This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
The forum sucks balls. Split the consoles up its getting boring now.
Welcome to Apex Gunners guardians, We are accepting new recruits! We only have three simple requirements: 1. Be 319+ light 2.You have to consider yourself a hardcore destiny player. 3.There is a zero tolerance for squeakers, rage quitters and extreme immaturity also you have to be 21+ years of age. The fight against the darkness is just starting and it will get tougher in our solar system and beyond. We need to stand united and as an army to overcome these future battles. Join Apex Gunners! We have 129 members of the best and brightest in the last safe city on earth! Once you join, you'll be part of a brotherhood that will stand by your side in all future battles against the darkness. XB1
Welcome to Apex Gunners guardians, We are accepting new recruits! We only have three simple requirements: 1. Be 319+ light 2.You have to consider yourself a hardcore destiny player. 3.There is a zero tolerance for squeakers, rage quitters and extreme immaturity also you have to be 21+ years of age. The fight against the darkness is just starting and it will get tougher in our solar system and beyond. We need to stand united and as an army to overcome these future battles. Join Apex Gunners! We have 129 members of the best and brightest in the last safe city on earth! Once you join, you'll be part of a brotherhood that will stand by your side in all future battles against the darkness. XB1
Looking for 2 CoE on ps4 Papamemo93
Need 4 for crucible grind have a rep booster gt above
I'm looking for two people for the chaperone shield brothers quest add ConArtist_1189
i need 3 people for normal raid, check point at sisters add:dougv10
Looking for people to join my clan the clan name is clutch brothers untied
Need 1 for COE. Doing it for the 90,000, as well as on another character. Add: Aston-Martin19
✳️King's Fall Raid✳️ ❗️Difficulty: Hard ❗️Checkpoint: FRESH ❗️How Many Needed: 4 ❗️Light: 322 + ❗️Have to Know the Raid ❗Have Black Spindle & Touch of Malice (Recomended) ❗️Have a Mic ❗️System: PS4 ❗️Gamertag: same as name ✳️King's Fall Raid✳️ DOING CHALLENGE
need 2 for minecraft xbox one, msg African Fork for inv
334 Hunter looking for a raid starting fresh or at totems. Gt same on xbox1
Need 2 for challenge of elders Xbox 360
Need 2 for 30k and 90k runs and NF after msg for invite GT:SoLaR R3MixX
Edited by Epsilon: 5/4/2016 12:49:04 AMNeed some help for the final step on touch of malice mission, am at the place where you fight the echo, I have died three times already trying to kill the stupid bastard, anyone willing to help? Gt is same please message for invite
Need 1 more for Nightfall Halfway thru strike Join for rewards, msg Vinnydadon8 on XBOX ONE
Need 5 for normal raid at sisters and must know wat to do and add me name above
*ps4* 334 titan lfg to run fresh hm kingsfall. Plz be close to my light and plz know what to do. Will be doing the challenge also. Quick and painless. add kayoz_jones and join . *Ps4*
Need 3 for vog fresh xbox one. Message Loyal OG for invite
Need 1 for sisters cp hard mode mag TheGamingKing99
Hey it's SSmonte355. We are currently looking for new members to join our clan, Death Dealers LLC. All of us get on destiny regularly. We play to have a good time, but in the same breath we can be serious and we get down to business for raids and PvP. I am not looking for players who are new to destiny. We have been together since the game came out and would like more experienced clanmates. You don't have to be great at PvP but it would be a plus. Most of us have been to the lighthouse on several occasions. Please have a mic, a grimoire score over 4000, and a positive attitude. You can click on the link above to apply. Thank you and we hope to see you in this wonderful little world bungie has created. Monte out
Need 2 for nightfall PS4 msg CAMFAM53 for inv
Need 3 for oryx cp hard add thincookies420
Need 2 players for raid, checkpoint totems add:dougv10
Need 5 for fresh normal raid must have experience PSN SarkMasta thank you
Wana do night fall or raid msg CAMFAM53 for inv