This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Need 4 for kings fall hard fresh. Add bluffball
Hello Guardians, The Red Capes are currently open for recruitment! We are a small growing group looking for good pvp players from all regions. We speak both English and Spanish. There are no age restrictions, and we are active on a daily basis. We do all playlists including trials, communication, and play organized. We also do raids here and there. Requirements are: Be an active player. Minimum k/d for applying is 1.20 overall. Have desire for improving. If you think you have skill and you're interested, send me or the other admins a message at PSN: Dsmghost420a Deadshot104 Freakzilladark Have a good day Guardians and thank you for your time.
Need 2 for poe Challenge no mic needed 3 times Psn Geni2706
Come play crucible with a top 1%er And help me reach 100+ followers! (Currently 88) I'm almost to 1800 Elo already in season 2 and I finished season 1 with a 2k Elo. I host raffles on my channel to make it fair for everyone that enters. I enjoy helping people in trials and like to use this off time to play with viewers and help people out that need tips or pointers. If your interested go check out I'd really appreciate it guys!
Need 1 Titan for sisters cp iAnnihilate vR
Welcome to Apex Gunners guardians, We are accepting new recruits! We only have three simple requirements: 1. Be 319+ light 2.You have to consider yourself a hardcore destiny player. 3.There is a zero tolerance for squeakers and nonsense and have to be 21+ years of age. The fight against the darkness is just starting and it will get tougher in our solar system and beyond. We need to stand united and as a crew to overcome these future battles. Join Apex Gunners! We have 28 memebers! Once you join, you'll be part of a brotherhood that will stand by your side in all future battles against the darkness. XB1
Need 4 for hard be 320+ need 2 Titans and a good runner message iAnnihilate vR totems cp
Hey Guardians! I'm a small streamer I'm looking to help anyone with anything Raids, Crucible, Iron Banner, Prison of Elders, Bounties, Quests, Nightfall, Strikes, Trials, Anything! Stop by the stream and have some fun! [url=]link[/url] Message me and watch the stream for some help! Followers get a higher chance of getting help! Xbox Gamer!
Need 2 for poe Challenge no mic needed 3 times Psn Geni2706
Anyone down to have some fun? Wanna grind some strikes? Play some trials? Just have some fun? PS4 Add: Kingblah567 (Have mic) Be chill and have some fun
Need 1 player for coe. Message me for invite. Xbox 360.
Need 3 for hard oryx Be experienced 319+ Xbox one Gt same
Looking for other players to run with regularly. No requirements. We're looking for reliable and dedicated players of any experience level. All of us are U.S. and majority of us are east coast. We play on Xbox One. We will not ask you to join a clan. We're online nearly every evening, most weekends and almost always on Reset Day. If you're interested in possibly being a consistent member of our fireteam please send myself or xXCONSEQUENCEXx a PM here. You're also welcome to message me via Xbox Live (nwadahtibat)
Need two for CoE I'm a 332 hunter no mic needed. Gt is same on Xbox one
Need 4 for vault of glass
332 Warlock looking for a raid on hard mode starting fresh or at totems. Gt same on xbox1
Hello my name is AGC MethodMan8. I am a clan member of Awoken Gaming Community's Descendant Squadron. We are an ACTIVE Xbox One Clan. I am extending an invitation to you to join our squad. If you choose to join you will become a new recruit of the Descendant Squad. We have three core values that represent what AGC stands for which are; 1. Honor, 2. Courage, 3. Commitment. AGC allows all gamers to join, meet friends and enjoy the fun while assisting players to improve at the game. With so much negativity in gaming, AGC creates a safe gaming environment for everyone to take part in. We’re often considered the last heartbeat keeping positive gaming communities alive. For more details send me a message on Xbox Live at GT AGC MethodMan8 or send a direct message through the destiny app. I hope that you will join us and be apart of one of the quickest growing Xbox One gaming communities around.
All my friends went to the division. I haven't defeated Oryx or anything after him. All 300+ required missions are incomplete. hOt_TeA25 titan 309, Hunter 295, Warlock 297.
Hello Guardians, The Red Capes are currently open for recruitment! We are a small growing group looking for good pvp players from all regions. We speak both English and Spanish. There are no age restrictions, and we are active on a daily basis. We do all playlists including trials, communication, and play organized. We also do raids here and there. Requirements are: Be an active player. Minimum k/d for applying is 1.20 overall. Have desire for improving. If you think you have skill and you're interested, send me or the other admins a message at PSN: Dsmghost420a Deadshot104 Freakzilladark Have a good day Guardians and thank you for your time.
Running Nightfall x3 - Need 2; Add YeahItzJay
Lf Daily,invite me,220 light
Need 2 High Level Warlocks with Sunbreakers or Praxi Fire for Sunsingers. Going to go for Top Score and stream it for Bungie add Nogarddragon720. No noobs or kids.
Need to complete 2 matches in any crucible playlist in a fire team for shax. No mic needed Add GINGERVITIS1414 Ps4
Day 1 Veteran on Xbox One. Chill, relaxed gamer looking for a new guardian to do the refer a friend quest with. I won't leave you hanging in the dust afterwards. I can help you throughout the game whenever you need it. Use the link and send me a message on Xbox and let's do this. My GT: my BACON will Friend link:
need 1 for skolas