This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
need 1 for skolas
need 1 for skolas msg me as above
Need one for Kings Fall. Fresh run and everyone is experienced except one. GT LT KIFF KR0KER. The O is the number zero.
Looking for 4 to do the Kings Fall Raid. Currently have a hunter and i am running with my titan since my walk and hunter have done it this week. I am experienced but my friend is new to the raid. I will walk him through it. Just need 4 others to help. GT is LT KIFF KR0KER. The O is the number zero.
I need one more for oryx, normal mode, challenge. Add makailaoneil. Please have mic
Anyone want to do an antiquated runs in the court of oryx with me?
need 1 for skolas msg me as above
need 1 for skolas msg me as above
Need to do events Msg me Middys Milky XB1 if you know the times or spawns. Thanks alot
Looking for help with the "Fear"s Embrace" mission on xbox 1 I'm at the final checkpoint i also have no mic at moment (it's busted) but appreciate the help none the less message in game gt same as above
Need 1 for poe challenge plans be experienced 320+ add: gamer_RE
Need one for nf message for inv gt k00pa757
Need 2 for sisters/daughters hm cp Add Anil_Shewraj
Looking for Raiders! On PS4. Need 3-4 players.
Looking for two for nightfall. Add PSN: MR_LYRiK and join. Or invite me
Edited by babyblue1978: 4/26/2016 1:12:14 AMI need a group to teach me how to do the Oryx raid on easy. I've arty made it to orcs once but can't remember all of the steps and was hoping to find a group willing to help. Message or invite babyblue1978 on Xbox one
Edited by NinjaKev95: 4/26/2016 1:06:57 AMNeed help with doing strikes, darkblade fallen saber and shield brothers. Can't find anyone to help with matchmaking and I need to level up. PS4 Add Ninjakev95 ty
Need someone to help with tier 3 court of oryx on ps4 psn same as above
Looking for anyone wanting to do challenge of elders Psn: TheBeardedEgg
Would anyone want to help me power level my hunter on Xbox one?
Need 2 for trials bounty run. Must pull your weight and be good. Add Clutch_Outdoorz
Need 1 more for quest help. Add iveranouttaideas or mag me. Hunter 290
Need for 317+ for hard fresh run. Message ToastedAxe for invite.
Need 2 want to do challenge of elders ps4 msg CAMFAM53 for inv
Need 1 for hard oryx Be experienced 319+ Xbox one Gt same
Hello Guardians, The Red Capes are currently open for recruitment! We are a small growing group looking for good pvp players from all regions. We speak both English and Spanish. There are no age restrictions, and we are active on a daily basis. We do all playlists including trials, communication, and play organized. We also do raids here and there. Requirements are: Be an active player. Minimum k/d for applying is 1.20 overall. Have desire for improving. If you think you have skill and you're interested, send me or the other admins a message at PSN: Dsmghost420a Deadshot104 Freakzilladark Have a good day Guardians and thank you for your time.