This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
310 Titan for hire
Need 2 for flawless trials run Have mic Any year 2 flawless emblem Don't be a dick And we'll get along and have fun Msg for inv include light lvl Gt same Xbox 360
Edited by Raid Banners: 4/24/2016 10:43:19 PMNeed 2 for oryx [b]there is a service issue on xbox one where chat is down so you have to know what to do without communicating anything[/b] Challenge 319+ Gt same
Need 3 for oryx [b]there is a service issue on xbox one where chat is down so you have to know what to do without communicating anything[/b] Challenge 319+ Gt same
Best idea ever, we have 3 people, we are going to play hide and seek on the cosmodrome, if you want to chill and have some fun, psn is danny_462, yes we are being childish but we want to have some fun, let's go
Need 5 for oryx challenge [b]I have cp[/b] Be experienced and have mic 319+ Xbox one Gt same
Looking for someone to do antiquated rune. Xbox one. Message for invite
Looking for war priest cp light level is 314 titan gt is ALPHA BEAST 1
Need 2 for oryx cp normal
Xbox one looking for nightfall team gt is same
Need 2 sweats.. Im getting back in game but I am still skilled and do better than half the people I have been playing
Need 4-5 players for kings raid
Edited by Raid Banners: 4/24/2016 6:49:07 PMNeed 5 for oryx challenge [b]I have cp[/b] 319+ Xbox one Gt same
Need 3 for oryx challenge [b]I have cp[/b] Be experienced and have mic 319+ Xbox one Gt same
Prison of Elders 42 need 1 msg CAMFAM53 on ps4
Need a team for the level 40 undying mind strike Xbox one gt: NachoMagnam 304 Titan-just in case you were wondering ;)
Need 5 for oryx challenge 319+ Xbox one Gt same
Anybody need a Warlock 310 for an oryx raid? I have totems cp. I have been trying to find a raid party for a week now.
Need people for vog. For ntte
need one to play crucible with for as a team bounty, message me nH Deluxe, xbox one
- Helping people do raids I'm a 335 Titan and I'm good need a clan or a raid group just ask I'll help you if Im not busy...
Need 3 for hard Oryx Raid. 310+ light. Message OJ Shrimpson.
Ps4 Need 2 for Prison of Elders Challenge Msg me for Inv Ebola_iz_Bae