This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Edited by MURC1ELAG01: 4/22/2016 4:23:43 PMLooking to help guardians to do the line quest "leyend of two gurdians" i am veteran 315 light add on ps4 my gamertag is MURC1ELAG01
Looking for 5 for vog normal add snackajack 3000
Welcome to Apex Gunners guardians, We are accepting new recruits! We only have three simple requirements: 1. Be 319+ light 2.You have to consider yourself a hardcore destiny player. 3.Be patient, mature and 21+ years of age. The fight against the darkness is just starting and it will get tougher in our solar system and beyond. We need to stand united and as a crew to overcome these future battles. Come look for 'Apex Gunners' and join us! Once you join, I'll introduce you to other members and help you with any questions you have about the clan and how to set your Xbox clan to Apex Gunners.
need 1 at gorgoth normal. message cl0secall
Forums have died .
PS4. Need some help at fears embrace boss. Add ceibarob
Looking for anything to do tonight 322 Titan Op as f weapons Merc for hire basically Xbox 360 Gt: Noahe07
Titan 323 bored just wanna grind it or strikes for awhile . Blazin brazeal. No friends.
[u]PS4 Players![/u] Looking for [u]friendly UK or close to UK players[/u] with [u]good teamwork[/u] and a minimum KD of 1.5. No racists, ragers or rage quitters. I like to play Clash, Control and ToO when I have the time to do so. You have to know how to learn from a loss, and at the same time not take a video game too seriously (don't get mad about losing). Apply to my clan through this link -
Edited by Im A Cool GUY73: 4/22/2016 6:55:14 AMNeed an active clan to join for Xbox.360 Plzz ASAP
Looking for quick Flawless today No mic Challenge Must have Emblem Year 1 or Year 2 K/D 1,5 or above 320+ PSN = Geni2706
Need two for challenge of the elders. I am looking to do a few runs for the weekly score -Toysoldier574 (PS4)
need two for farming court of oryx. add me and join up
Need one to farm for Malok hunter plz
How do I join?
on final part of winters run message for inv
Need two now. Ps4. Add Sullifornia. War priest checkpoint.
Add Sullifornia Ps4 war priest checkpoint. Need one more.
I'll wait 5 minutes. Gonna play crucible for a while with the booster on so if anyone wants to join in they can. Add name above I'll be playing various types from 3v3 to 6v6 (PS4) don't need mic
Titan 321 . Blazin brazeal on xbox one have no friends.
Farming Coe for weapons (skolas for rep) anyone with a mic 315+ that wants easy 320+ gear msg gt above Xbox 360
Need a hunter for oryx hard mode. We are doing the challenge. Be 320+. Add: Clutch_Outdoorz
Need 5, 320+ guardians for oryx hard mode. We will be doing the challenge so know what you are doing. Add: Clutch_Outdoorz
(ps4) Hey, I'm bored and can't think of anything to do besides play destiny. If you need help for a quest or story mission, add WolfShield819 Titan, 301 light
Need 1 experienced titan for hard raid add tHc-Smokin