This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
need 2 for exotic engram farming on POE
Need 2 or to join 2 for challenge poe card. Dutchrudderhwb
Edited by Kell: 4/21/2016 1:23:41 PMI need 2 to do the level 32, 34, and 35 PoEs for HoJ rep! GT: Kehliah XB1 Message me for inv
I'm looking for a referee to do the refer a friend anyone interested reach out
Need 4 for Oryx CP PS4 Please know what you are doing
Add and invite for ps4 kings fall. Gamer tag is Sullifornia
Edited by CH1LLEDSPONGE: 4/21/2016 10:16:42 AMPS4 Clan taking on with no rules like that stupid must have this must have done that must have certain light as we understand we all start somewhere join us if you like and we will help you when we can. Also looking to get a regular raid team or teams back up and running as many clan members have been on xmas break.
Need one with exotic sword for grasp of malok farm on ps4 psn same as above
333 warlock looking for 5 people for golgoroth cp Must have done challenge before!! Must be 320+ light Gt jabrun69
Hello everyone my gamertag is MSK Madara. I have a endgame clan I recently started up and we are looking for members to join our Xbox one clan... MSK Shinobi. This clan is based on having a good time playing a fun game. I've killed Oryx on hard doing 16orb main weapons are touch of malice, black spindle and Mida Multi-tool(crucible). If you're a noob or a pro and you want a place of belonging feel free to join, the only requirements are to show respect to your peers and having a mic. Also I'm a 334 Titan. I will help in raids and w/e else just one thing I can't stand is people who lie about knowing what to do when they have no clue. Doing this will not only get you kicked from fireteam but kicked from clan as well. It waste everyones time when you lie so Don't lie OK... I can help I'll teach I'll mentor I'll be your sensei just ask for help and try to improve that's all I ask of you... Anyway have fun and let's play some destiny.
Edited by GingerBear: 4/21/2016 7:54:47 AMAnybody wanna do the daily with me? Gt above. Xb1
Looking for someone or a group of 2 that has a vanguard reputation booster that wants to run heroic strikes (xbox one) gt same as above
Need 2 for court of oryx antiquated runes youngbucknz
Nightfall? Add MobStarr13 and join
Nightfall? Add MobStarr13 and join
Edited by Xx-SMOOTH1-xX: 4/21/2016 5:15:41 AMAnyone free to help me Add Xx-SMOOTH1-xX (Ps4)
Need two for challenge of the elders. I am looking to do a few runs for the weekly score -Toysoldier574 (PS4)
I will carry you through trials with one of my good friends for a gears of war 4 beta code gt same as above
Need help with touch of malice bounty Msg: vjx13x
I Need help doing Daily and clearing random missions Ps4 add Xx-SMOOTH1-xX
Need 4 for freshrun hard kingsfall message redy2eat with class and lvl please be 320+ and have mic no kids please
Need one solid player that can hold their own and help us pull victories. Have mic be chill and don't be a rage quitter, if we lose we lose. Won the next one. Add o100-BabySeals I'm on ps4
POE 42 | Challenge Of The Elders ▪ Looking for 2 Guardians ▪ Add YeahItzJay & Join
Xbox one, need 1 oryx cp, be experienced and don't quit if we don't get it first go, gt same as above
POE 42 | Challenge Of The Elders ▪ Looking for 2 Guardians ▪ Willing to Max Out Cumulative Score ▪ Add YeahItzJay & Join
POE 42 | Challenge Of The Elders ▪ Running for Weekly + Cumulative Score ▪ Looking for 2 Guardians ▪ Add YeahItzJay & Join