This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Wut up! I need 2 fellow guardians who are looking for some super quick house of judgement rep before the reset. We're gonna go fight skolas ( I've got the house of judgement rep booster) super quick and get lots of rep I'm lvl 316 defender Titan plus add mecrab_knght ps4 only
Add Delgrin doing anything to help people add him
325 Hunter looking for a raid on hard mode starting fresh or at totems. Gt same on xbox1
Wut up! I need 2 fellow guardians who are looking for some super quick house of judgement rep before the reset. We're gonna go fight the lvl 32-35 prison of elders ( I've got the house of judgement rep booster) super quick and get lots of rep I'm lvl 316 defender Titan plus add mecrab_knght ps4 only
Fresh hard 317+ silkypizza kings fall
Fresh hard 317+ silkypizza kings fall
who has fully charged archon rune to help mine charge up really quick
Need someone to grind with haven't played much of the fallen King in a minute send me a message or invite I don't bite I promise
Have Oryx checkpoint need 5 light level 315 and above
Need 4 for fresh kings fall raid hard
Looking 4 one to join us grind on challenge of elders message me
Need one for golgoroth doing challenge must be 310+ and have experience GT: CozmicWubz
- ps4 crazey_James refer a friend I'm a veteran
Looking for people for Court of Oryx message Russian Jester
"READ CAREFULLY" Golgorath Challenge Hard Mode Be 313+ light and with "BLACK SPINDLE" Or "SLEEPR Simulant" OR YOU GET THE BOOT Message light and class for invite Gamertag the same as above ^ |
Looking for 2 more try hard crucible players to go flawless with. Must have good guns and pull your weight (Don't waste my time please). Add Clutch_Outdoorz
Anyone down for vanguard strikes on ps4? I am about to pop my vanguard reputations booster and farm for 2 hours !! Will be spamming 3 of coins and try to be quick
319 hunter looking for 2 to farm 42 PoE [b]Lord of Wolves or bust![/b] Xbox one Gt same
Looking for 2 more try hard crucible players to go flawless with. Must have good guns and pull your weight (Don't waste my time please). Add Clutch_Outdoorz
Follow for [b]Trials carries[/b] all day and I do raffles and auctions and you enter these with stream currency (chains).
Need 2 poe trying to get my score
Looking to do hard vault of glass for "No time tu explain" quest Invite me on Xbox one GT: XxNicolas809xX
Need 2 for poe Challenge farming Kill Bosses asap No mic needed Psn Geni2706
Need 3 for fresh hard kings fall required: Mic Know what you're doing 315+ ToM preferred No kids please Gt same as above Xbox 360
325 warlock looking for a raid on hard mode starting fresh, totems, or warpriest. Gt same on xbox1
2 for challenge of elders Xbox one msg for invite no mic