This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
2 for challenge of elders Xbox one msg for invite no mic
Need 3 fresh normal raid GT ggatekeeper
Need a team for As a Team bounty. Xb1. Gt is Dyret20
Need 4 for fresh kings fall raid hard
Add pls 330 warlock self Rez, touch, and b.s.! Need done one three guys! Thanks same name! With mic's only! And know what to do!!!
322 warlock quick res and fast res looking to do bounties/7 wins -iAnnihilate vR
need one to play crucible with for 5 games, xbox one message me nH Deluxe
Strike grind Xboxone
Anyone want to run strikes ? Gt same as above Xbox one
Any one want to grind strikes with me?
Need 5 at sisters
Inv me for hard mode sisters or oryx cp please level 312 hunter gt Geordiie 99
Need 2 for oryx cp on hard My gt is CHICKENWEED Ps4
Hi ! I'm just tired of playing on my own and I'd like to find some people to have fun on Destiny. Because of a lack of friends playing this game, there are many things I've never tried D': so I can't guarantee a high level on everything (^^') but still, if you're ok just message me ! gt: JeNnYlOuVe (hunter 311 lvl 40)
Need 2 for flawless be good am checking stats. Message skdxdibbyd for an invite.
Ps4 need one for our flawless trials match
Van someone help me with fears embrace quest?? Add nickert-013
Hello everyone my gamertag is MSK Madara. I have a endgame clan I recently started up and we are looking for members to join our Xbox one clan... MSK Shinobi. This clan is based on having a good time playing a fun game. I've killed Oryx on hard doing 16orb main weapons are touch of malice, black spindle and Mida Multi-tool(crucible). If you're a noob or a pro and you want a place of belonging feel free to join, the only requirements are to show respect to your peers and having a mic. Also I'm a 334 Titan.
Need one chill person for trials. Trying for flawless, be decent with sniper. Gt same as above
Need 3 for normal fresh must know what to do
Need two chill people for trials. Trying for flawless, be decent with sniper. Gt same as above
Help doing nightfall need 2 peeps add omarchinoo
Can someone help me in the court of oryx. I have a antiquated rune and I need a higher light artifact. My gt is TheDarkKnight1HF
Need 1 for golgorath cp on hard challenge Be over 315 My gt is CHICKENWEED Ps4
327 warlock looking for 1 person for challenge of elders gt jabrun69 for invite
Hey guys i'm back on destiny after 8 months.. Who want to help me to do all those shitty Quests? Psn: OaliThKing