This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Hey guys i'm back on destiny after 8 months.. Who want to help me to do all those shitty Quests? Psn: OaliThKing
Edited by PsychoM17: 4/18/2016 6:33:00 AMNeed a little help to finish mission "Fear's embrace" no mic needed 1 or 2 guys
need 1 for poe 42 msg me as above
Hello everyone my gamertag is MSK Madara. I have a endgame clan I recently started up and we are looking for members to join our Xbox one clan... MSK Shinobi. This clan is based on having a good time playing a fun game. I've killed Oryx on hard doing 16orb main weapons are touch of malice, black spindle and Mida Multi-tool(crucible). If you're a noob or a pro and you want a place of belonging feel free to join, the only requirements are to show respect to your peers and having a mic. Also I'm a 332 Titan.
Ps4: Looking for a team to do court of oryx with. I am a 320 titan with antiquated and reciprocal runes, add me
I have Kings Fall Oryx on PS4
Edited by EveryMussel71: 4/18/2016 2:33:24 AMtrying to grind crucible for packages msg EveryMussel71 for inv Longbow hunt!!! Xbox one
need 1 for poe 42 msg me as above
Edited by UnknownTacoz: 4/18/2016 1:38:04 AMNeed help with Hunger Pangs quest on Xbox 1. Gamer tag is the same. Message me for an invite
need 1 for poe 42 msg me as above
Looking to start nightfall msg for inv
325 titan down for anything just send an invite
POE 42 | Challenge The Elders ▪ 331 Titan looking for 2 more Guardians ▪ Speed/Loot Run Only - Add YeahItzJay
310 Warlock and 310 Titan looking for king's fall hard mode fresh start party
Need one for trials ps4 add thincookies420
Looking for 2 more try hard crucible players to go flawless with. Must have good guns and pull your weight (Don't waste my time please). Add Clutch_Outdoorz
Looking for 2 more try hard crucible players to go flawless with. Must have good guns and pull your weight (Don't waste my time please). Add Clutch_Outdoorz
319 hunter looking for 2 to farm 42 PoE [b]Lord of Wolves or bust![/b] Xbox one Gt same
Need 2 for challenge of elders msg Zombieboy60 for inv
Looking for 2 more try hard crucible players to go flawless with. Must have good guns and pull your weight (Don't waste my time please). Add Clutch_Outdoorz
Need 4 people for golgoroth cp hard 315 + message Matthew23dmg
Need two above average guardians to play trials with. We are shooting for flawless. Must pull your weight or you will be kicked. Add Clutch_Outdoorz
Need 1 totems normal raid gt xXBETA KillinXx
Also how will I know, so I know where to look, if anyone is gonna ask me to join or answers my request to join. Just not sure if it will just pop up in my ps4 as a message or notification or if I gotta look somewhere specific and have another step to take.
Does anyone have an account i can use for xbox or ps4 i need it doesn't have to be level 40 but more than level 25
Hello I'm just posting to try to find a group I've started to play destiny again Hunter:319 Xbox one Gt:Oh Yeah Joker