This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Edited by Betehmoth90: 4/17/2016 5:09:10 PMNeed 1 for challenge of Elders must know what to do!
PS4 Kings fall hard fresh need 3
Hello everyone my gamertag is MSK Madara. I have a endgame clan I recently started up and we are looking for members to join our Xbox one clan... MSK Shinobi. This clan is based on having a good time playing a fun game. I've killed Oryx on hard doing 16orb main weapons are touch of malice, black spindle and Mida Multi-tool(crucible). If you're a noob or a pro and you want a place of belonging feel free to join, the only requirements are to show respect to your peers and having a mic. Also I'm a 332 Titan.
317 hunter looking for 2 people for 42 PoE fresh Xbox one 315+ Gt same
312 hunter looking to just farm the living hell out of the challenge of elders my gt is draklez
2 looking for kf normal one 315 hunter and a 324 warlock message iAnnihilate vR
315 hunter looking to do kf normal raid message iDevastate vR
Need 1 on Xbox 1 challenge of elders Send message if willing to help GT same as above
Need people for court Gt same
Need two for challenge of the elders. Running through it quick. Xbox 360
Edited by MissTooPerfect: 4/17/2016 3:23:58 PMDoing normal kf message iDevastate vR need 4
325 Titan looking for hard orys I have touch of malice and spindle. Invite me and il join gamer tag same as above
Inv me level 306 hunter wit tons of exp gt Geordiie 99 any cp past totems pls
Ps4 Need two ppl for nightfall Msg me for inv: Ebola_iz_Bae
Need 1 more For 42 PoE message TA l cRiMsoN on Xbox one for invite
Need 2 for vog hard oracles add psn above
326 titan looking for a group with golgoroth (challenge) cp on hard. Please be 318+ and have a mic. My psn is Taukis
Xbox1 need 1 Hunter 318+ @ sisters
Xbox1 need 2 titans and 1 Hunter 318+ @ warpriest
Xbox1 need 2 titans and 1 Hunter 318+ @ warpriest
nEED 2 challenge of the Elders .... dont care what class or light just be helpfull...Xbox one Gamer Tag angelicdemon83 message me
Need 1 more for sister checkpoint hard ps4 318+ pls. Add psn: ekteharis
Need 1 for golgorath on normal. Msg for ing on xbox1
Hey guys now that destiny is know kinda coming back I want to take the time to start a new gaming community not so much a clan but I guess you can use the term but I want it to be a mature and fair group and have only adults if possible I'm familiar with the raids and other components so that can one day be a thing to look into message here and I will get back to you destiny can still be fun with people that still like it
Just want to play some crucible for a little while anybody want to join message me GT same as above.
Edited by LordKelsier_: 4/17/2016 9:38:30 AMPSN: Alex Panduru King's Fall Normal Warlock-Light 311 PS3