This is the reason why I keep my mic muted and pretend my mic is broken. I'm 13 to. And why would I steal my parents credit card I still have over $300 dollars in savings/themoneyiusetogivemyparentstotakemeto7-11tobuymicroaoftpoints
[spoiler]People keep me anyway because I'm a really good swordbearer and have a gally too. Also I know how to do raids...And cheese them...and carry people who don't know how to do raids.[/spoiler]
At the end of the mic unmute and and say good game trust me it will help the community.. Ppl need to know that ppl ur age can be a savage
I don't know many groups that want mic less sword bearers. Not saying you suck but....
My mic is broken so I dance too let them know still works
Not as well though.
Microsoft points haven't been a thing in awhile