Wouldn't expect anything less from those fear mongering assholes.
And do you know what's the scariest part? People watch this shit and actually believe it.
-blam!- Faux News and anyone who watches it and takes it seriously.
You do realize this is a rick roll right?
Does Fox News sometimes put dumb shit out there? Yeah. So does every news outlet. Look at what happened to Dan Rather or Brian Williams. Look at the scandals at the New York Times and USA Today. They all have their issues. You can't rely on any one source to get your new these days you have to look at various sources.
Good point, and very true. I just believe Fox is the worst at spreading fear and bullshit.
You know who else is good at spreading fear and bullshit? [spoiler]People who didn't actually click that -blam!-ing link[/spoiler]
Al-Jazeera or The Guardian are good places to start.
If you like Quatari Government propaganda and center-left news then by all means. If that's not your flavor I'd suggest looking elsewhere.