What's going to be your loadouts when the nerfs happen? You still sticking to your Last Word and shotgun combo?
Hey man, check out my new year one montage linked at the top of this post. It is way better than the old ones!
I will still use TLW because I think the gun is cool, I don't really care how good it is. And I haven't used a shotgun for months. This is an old montage man. Keep an eye out for the new one I will post in a few weeks
Cool, I was just curious. I like to see what the trends will be with weapon loadouts from the top PvP players after the patch.
Yeah, it will be interesting for sure. I feel like not much will really change in the special weapons department, shotguns will probably still be really good, maybe sightly worse, but I still think people will gravitate towards them because they are so easy to use. I have a bad feeling that more people will be using thorn post patch then pre patch. The nerf is very minimal to thorn but kinda rough on TLW, so I think a fair few last word people will convert to thorn. I could be wrong though. I hope I am haha