Nearly 1000 hours played between my four level 34 characters (yes four, deleted one of my hunters to level a warlock...), a Grimmoire score of 3550, and every exotic in the game EXCEPT the one I have wanted the most since day 1. Hawkmoon, one of the PS4 exclusives...
3 nightfalls a week, regular raids on all characters, hundreds of top level strikes, PoE, ToO every week on all three characters flawless...
Xbox users will start getting theses so called "exclusives" before PS4 players. You know, the weapons that were supposed to be perks / bonuses for playing destiny on the PS4... What's the point if you can't get them? Everyone knows that as soon as they unlock the PS4 exclusives for Xbox users, that someone is going to immediately do a nightfall or open a legendary engram and get Hawkmoon, which is BS. The past 100 exotic rolls that I have had, have been guns that I already had drop.
At this point, it's just deception. "Let's market PS4 exclusives that are AWESOME to have, but the best one out of all of them, Hawkmoon, the most coveted and sought after gun, we'll make it impossible to get!"
obviously it's a ploy to keep players playing and searching for this illusive prize and another reason for Xbox users to come back to the game once the "exclusives" are available to them. Because, they market and sell PlayStation exclusives as something awesome and desirable to get. However, never in their marketing or selling did they mention that although PlayStation exclusives DO exists, they will be impossible to get for some players due to the weighted RNG system.
If Bungie can make Gjallarhorn disappear from Xur's inventory when it shows up by mistake, then they can make him sell Hawkmoon to PS4 players. How hard would it be to create another NPC in the tower that sells PS4 exclusives for PS4 players? I don't care if the requirements are super involved, even if it was a crazy long quest line. EVEN if I had to pay real money for the damn thing, I would.
The "R" in RNG is not equally weighted.
For a simple example: if there were only 10 total exotics in the game, and Hawkmoon was one of them, one would expect to get one on average every 10 drops.
But if the system is rigged so that Hawkmoon only has a 1% chance of dropping, and the other 9 a 11.1% chance of dropping, they can keep you chasing it for a long time.
Then, once you get it once, the odds to get it again can be reset to 10%, enhancing your odds of getting it again sooner.
So while it is still random, the system is rigged to keep people chasing longer
So, weapon odds are different for everyone, making it unfair as we all paid the same damn price for this game.
And for all of you scrubs that will just respond by calling me a name or attempting to make fun of me behind your computer screen - I'm gay, I like dicks, I take it in the ass mouth ear, I'm a fgt (wtf is this?) and you have all been with my mom, I cry every second of every day I'm a big baby bitch -blam!- and of course I like dicks (again, for emphasis), Oh and yes I am a salt factory, that's all I do.
One thing that is simply not up for debate is the nature and intent of Bungie's RNG system. Behavioral Game Design 101. Getting drops gives you a shot to the pleasure center of your brain. So yes, RNG is made so that you want to keep playing, pursuing that White Whale, if you will. If this was not the case, then they would have included a game economy and a trading system, like the one in Elder Scrolls Online. Any rare item is available in that game, if you have the currency to pay for it. People who are smart witted learn to make money buying as selling crafted items, and therefore become good at getting their hands on rare gear. Destiny is a slot machine, pure and simple. You either accept the odds, or you play something else.
I've had 3. Clearly you don't play enough
Rng is not weighted You just have bad rng
Obviously confirmed :)
Hopefully xur will sell it. That would make it up too me IMO. I'm in the same boat as you. Literally every other exotic in the game but hawkmoon. Yet my friend gets all 3 exotic handcannons in the first couple weeks...
The tears are strong with this one.
I just don't believe you know what "Confirmed" means.
Edited by Sephirothevil: 7/27/2015 5:07:07 PMThat's a bummer I wish I can just send you a hawkmoon. I have had that hand gun drop 8 times . I agree the rng is bs, I was playing last night and I got 4 times back to back the same vanger scout rifle with 3 of them having the same roll. Getting the same weapon 4 times just while opening packages is just silly .
I don't know why everyone downvoted this. I agree. It is a problem.
Ive had 12 characters [spoiler]get on my level[/spoiler]
I have gotten 5 Hawkmoon from VoG Gorgon chest but not Gally or Horsemen. RNGesus hates you, he hates me, grow up and realize you have now angered the great RNGesus to never give you one.
The rage from PS4 players that were promised "the most complete Destiny experience" is going to give me a great laugh when someone with an Xbox gets the Hawkmoon before them. I can already tell the rage post will be one for the ages!
I've had at least 5 Hawkmoons drop. Have seen it drop plenty of times from all types of activities.
As an xbox player i am more than happy to inform you that I cannot wait to get hawkmoon before you!
Eh, I've got Hawkmoon, it ain't THAT great. I feel bad for the guys 800+ hours in with no Gally.
Yes, just because you can't get the hawkmoon means that it's confirmed a scam. You're such an idiot.
I know how you feel. Gjally has been eluding me since Day 1. Nonetheless, RNG thinks I need a 7th Hawkmoon.
9 x 11.1% = 99.9% 99.9% + 1% = 100.9% Wait wut?
I agree with this 10000000% I have been fortunate with RNG for the most part but my friends have not. One of my friends got his first Hawkmoon AND Ghorn this weekend and he has played since launch. Another close friend has yet to get his Hawkmoon and has also played since launch. At the moment it's the only reason he still does all events. I know that is the point of RNG but it is honestly very unfair to players that spend so much time on the game and never know if they will even get to experience the items they want the most. Not to mention the constant let downs every week. I only have around 16ish days play time and have all exotics except Suros and Necro (took a long break and wasn't around when Xur sold Suros those 3 times, and just need the husk of the pit for Necro). The only thing left that I want is Fatebringer and have watched a good many drop over the last couple of weeks to my friends, which is really cool. I just wish I had the chance to experience it before it is nerfed and agree that Bungie should at least give some sort of alternate route to acquire weapons. Even if it took 3 months to meet the requirements, at least you know that you WILL one day own what you want. The longevity would still be there for Bungie so they wouldn't lose anything in the end. Hopefully they are considering something like this in the background because it is indeed a problem. Just my opinion though.
If I can get 2 Gjallarhorns in a row from Nightfalls two weeks in a row... the odds of that illusive beast dropping multiple times two weeks in a row on the same characters are astronomical.
It's random...please stop crying....sure other weapons have a higher chance of being dropped or sold but it's still for the most part random. It's the intended nature of them game if you can't dig it then I hear halo is still decent. This game is good for people like you though,it can teach you humility and to be humble by showing you that you are not garanteed anything in life. stop expecting things to be given to you regardless of how hard you feel you worked for it..being spoiled and selfish isn't going to help anyone find what they're looking put how childish you are being into perspective I'll make a comparison. You crying about hawk moon being given to Xbox users (finally since we on ps4 have had it since launch) is like me crying because I don't have gally (which I dont) but people on Xbox can get them. It's retarded. You'll find it when you find it and you will love it that much more.
I got my first after about 8 months, the next week I got another one and then the next day....another :) Got a 4th and I think a 5th not long after that....sorry.
I think I've got about 6 or 7 so far (playing since beta) RNG is a cruel bitch
Starting to hate that gun drops so much for me... Nah I'm just kidding, I love my Hawkawesome. Had 6 drop for me.
You wrote the longest conspiracy cry baby post I've ever read on this forum. Amazing.
I just got my hawkmoon and I been playing since January.