[i]Shît. Not going to be able to stay up much longer.[/i]
*The figure charges up its gauntlet and punches a hole right into the metal of the train, just below the front of the 2nd train*
[i]Better. Now to figure out what to do.[/i]
*Using the wiring in the wall of the train the figure begins to hack deeply into the system, trying to find a way to stop the train.*
[quote]I have an idea, but you guys won't like it much....[/quote]
Hurry up and save the guy PLZ lol this fights intense already...
[quote]Understood. Target is being identified.[/quote]
Inside the second car, you notice prisoners sitting on chairs connected along the walls behind you, their wrists and ankles cuffed, their heads submerged inside of a half-dome helmet devices. The target should be one of them.
[i]Perfect.[/i] *The figure closes up the wing-suit and begins to swing their body back and forth until they build enough momentum to jump onto the ledge right before the door of the second car* "Knock knock." *The figure swipes their hand and the door opens*