Continued from [url=]part 6: hand cannons[/url]
[b]the Exotic Hand Cannons[/b]
Alright, I'm just going to get this out of the way. Since you've announced that Hawkmoon is getting nerfed so that it can no longer one shot, I'm sure you've received all manner of incredibly insulting and hurtful vitriolic response from across the Destiny community, particularly from xbox guardians. On behalf of all my fellow xbox guardians, you deserve each and every insult you've received and then some. We've waited one year—that's 365 days—to get the content we paid for, and now that you're finally giving it to us, you're nerfing the standout weapon we've been missing out on and salivating over for that year, not to mention there's probably some great new exotic we'll be paying you for the privilege of playing with a year from now. When we finally get it, you gonna break that one too?
The thing about Hawkmoon is that it's not a particularly overpowered gun in and of itself. Stat-wise, you're looking at a Fatebringer stripped of its firefly and outlaw. Yes, it does have hammer forged, but you can roll a Fulcrum to have similar stats. The thing that makes Hawkmoon so special and so beloved is that Holding Aces can stack up to three times. I might not be able to get the gun yet, but those one shot videos are awesome. And I guess that's an awesome Destiny moment I'm never going to have, unless you come to your senses (like how you nerfed Thorn into oblivion that one time then called the un-nerf a buff). Now, let's do some math:
Hawkmoon has a 13 round mag (I'm guessing the Holding Aces perk will nullify the incoming mag decrease), and there are 3 lucky bullets, meaning all 3 luck in the chambers stacking into a single bullet is 1/13 cubed, or 4.55e-4. That's a hypothetical 0.000455% chance of any mag containing the magic instakill bullet. I say hypothetical because, in reality, the actual probability of that shot is lowered by the reality of actual combat. First, that bullet has to actually be a headshot to one shot. Furthermore, you may be carrying a lucky bullet in your mag and get killed. Maybe you just miss. Maybe you reload early. Maybe the match ends. Maybe you make the shot but the guy lagswitches out of it. Maybe you make the shot but get weaseled. You get the idea. Point is, that's 0.000455% at most... and you're going to nerf the gun because a couple people can't handle being on the receiving end of what could be a gamer's once in a lifetime shot? I'm sure it can be frustrating if you got killed that way but don't have Hawkmoon. You know what's infinitely more frustrating? Never being able to get a [i]real[/i] Hawkmoon. Ever. &#$! Hawmoon's victims, they need to shut up and take it. Compared to the pain of [b]an entire *%@#ing console[/b] their pain is nothing. Oh, and just for good measure, ^#&@ you too, Bungie. &^$# you.
* Add a stack limit to Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces so that only 2 of the bonus perks will ever stack on one round. This should prevent Hawkmoon from 1-hit killing full health players in PVP – wow Bungie, way to shit all over everyone's parade. Congratulations, you've just ruined Hawkmoon. An Ill Will/Timur's Lash is basically a 2-shot as is. Roll an armor piercing Luck in the Chamber Final Round and you have absolutely no reason to ever use your Hawkmoon except to look at it and cry.
*Add 2 rounds to Hawkmoon's magazine when Holding Aces is unlocked – I take it this is to keep the mag at 13. You know, if you're gonna break the gun the least you could do is let it benefit from the mag nerf.
* Luck in the Chamber damage bonus reduced by 3% – Hi, Hawkmoon, I'm Bungie. I know I just rufied and gang -blam!- you, but I wanted to leave this note to make sure you'd know I'm HIV positive and I didn't use a condom. Also, I'm a heroin addict and I poke you a bunch of times with one of my used needles while you were unconscious.
In summary, your discrimination against xbox guardians is deplorable and absurd, and if you were sitting up late at night trying to figure out how to give us the ultimate insult, congratulations, with the Nerfmoon, you've definitely succeeded.
Continued in [url=]Part 8: Hand Cannons that Aren't Hawkmoon[/url]
I never even got the drop so I'm in the same boat.