originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
I am a Hunter 32 on X-box 360 and want to find a fireteam to complete my first VOG normal raid. I ve have done parts of it but never the whole thing. Have decent weapons and some experience but having some trouble at Gorgon and with the Oracles at Atheon. Id like people who don't take it too seriously are willing to help and just want to have fun.
Tired of clans with a ton of requirements ? Looking to play and have fun while getting the help you need to get objectives done. Well we are building a new clan feel free to poly at link below thanks ! #XboxOne https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/1130494
Msg me when you get online I can help you out
I'm in the exact same situation as you, add me GT: l0ngj0n