For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is.
EDIT 20: 1,000 likes *faints* Th amount of support is amazing. Thank you!!
[b][i]Oh no![/i][/b] [i]You actually have to move and pick up ammo! Oh, the humanity! [b]Where do I send the donations!?[/b][/i] [i]Truly a heartbreaking story of the community of Destiny, as the community can no longer be lazy and will [b]actually[/b] have to move their characters around.[/i] [i]Players are now also making petitions to save what doesn't need saving, practically [b]begging[/b] the games developers to let them continue to be lazy and ensure that there will be no variety in loadouts and no excitement for weapons to come.[/i] [i][b]As Bungie refuses to take notice of the pleas and cries of the players, mainly because they believe that players should remember what a 'Special Ammo drop-box' is.[/b][/i] Black Hammer would've been useless once TTK is released, so it doesn't matter anyway. Cry about it.