Now that we've been around for a little with all these new legendary weapons from the House of Wolves DLC and gotten to know more about them its time to determine which ones are really worth going after.
For the most part, I won't be mentioning weapons that you can always get from the game like the raids, prison of elders, Iron Banner, and trials.
I won't be mentioning any fusion rifles because as of right now they just aren't in a good place and its hard to say which ones you'd want to pick over the other.
Any weapons that aren't listed doesn't mean that they are bad but that they might not have the highest stats compared to other weapons. Just about any weapon can be made useful in the hands of a guardian.
[b]Hopscotch Pilgrim[/b] - (Found in Dragon Strikes(level28 or prison) By far the best lowRoF/High Impact pulse rifle in the whole game. This thing even beats The Messenger from Trials of Osiris when it comes purely to PvP, out doing all of its stats except for range. Roll it with braced frame and you will max out its stability. Something you can't even do with perfect balance on the Messenger. Perfect balance will also be receiving a nerf in The Taken King which makes Hopscotch pilgrim an even better choice then before in the future.
[b]BTRD-345[/b] - (Found in Crucible) This gun is incredibly stable and is especially good in PvP because of it. On a guardian it kills in 4 shots anywhere on the body which means all you have to do is make sure your hitting the person which is extremely easy with this super stable gun.
[b]Silimar's Wrath II[/b] - (Found in Iron Banner) This time around the weapon was changed to be the same auto rifle archetype as weapons like the Hard Light or Monte Carlo instead of Atheon's epilogue. This gun has the best stats hands down of all legendary auto rifles of its archetype. While you still might be able to get this gun during TTK you might not get as good of a selection of perks so it would be a safe move to get the gun now before the DLC. If you can't do that then the Low Down P-XIV is another great choice. Point is, auto rifles will be getting a buff so make sure you have a good one on hand for when this happens.
[b]Unending Deluge III[/b] - (Found in Dragon Strikes(level28 or prison) This is a great machine gun when coupled with heavy ammo bonuses that is clearly better than MG18A Harm's Way and Arma Engine DOA which it shares the same archetype with. One thing to note is that the damage stat on the gun is not true and in fact does the same amount of damage as Harm's way and Arma Engine (if using the same ballistics). This however does not make it worse than the other two mentioned guns. If using the weapon for PvE make sure to roll with at least surplus (a perk I'd recommend for most heavy weapons used in PvE) but if you can at least use boots with a heavy ammo perk then you'll be getting around 70 extra bullets per box as oppose to around 40 with no heavy ammo bonuses.
[b]Ill Will [/b]- (Found in Crucible) Most people agree the best roll for this weapon when used in crucible is Final Round/ Braced Frame/ Luck in The Chamber. This way, you have a few bullets in the magazine reserved for about one person but are doing the maximum amount of damage you can do with any hand cannon. This roll takes it to 5 in the mag and with the future nerf to all HC mags it could bring it down to 3 or 4 which will further increase your chances of landing bonus damage shots.
[b]NL Shadow 701X[/b] - (Found in Crucible) This is the best scout rifle of its archetype (HighRoF/LowDamage) that you can get right now. Plus, it has the sweet look of the crota raid scout rifle but in orange. While you can get a good roll for PvP you can also roll one with Full Auto, Explosive Rounds, and Firefly for some explosive fun! Along with other fast and medium RoF scout rifles, it will be getting a mag increase and 5% PvE damage boost! One thing to note about this gun is that it doesn't do any more damage then Dead shot Luna or Sateriene rapier. The damage stat is simply wrong.
[b]Dry Rot 32[/b] - If you like fast firing shotguns then you might consider getting this thing. It can be re-rolled with the perks you want which hasn't before been possible with this shotgun archetype.
[b]Rude Awakening DOA[/b] - (Found in Dead Orbit Vendor) If you've never seen what its like to hold this weapon then you should! Same design as Trials shotgun Astral Horizon but with a Dead Orbit paint job. The main thing that makes this weapon so cool is the 5 blue meters visible while holding in first person which show how much ammo is in the mag.
[b]One/One Synesthete[/b] - (Found in Vanguard Vendor) If you like the MIDA-Multi Tool then this is the best legendary counterpart you can currently find. In fact, its the best legendary scout rifle of its archetype that has been made so far. If a better one gets made in TTK then you might consider getting it and dismantling this weapon. If your worried about the low mag of 14 just remember scout rifles will get an increase in the 2.0 update.
[u]Honorable Mentions:[/u] (Weapons that might be worth looking into)
[b]Pest Control Matrix[/b] - (Found in Vanguard Vendor) This is currently the only weapon in the game that you can re-roll to have the same fire rate and damage of the Suros. If you want a mini suros then definitely pick this gun up and try rolling for Focused Fire.
[b]Ash Factory[/b] - (Found in Crucible) This Rocket has been liked by many in the community for its unique color scheme and very similar stats to the amazing Iron Banner rocket. While not nearly as good as the IB rocket it is, the stats are so close that if you prefer the look of the Ash Factory then it is a worthy substitute to the Radegast's Fury.
[b]55A-allFATE[/b] - (Found in Vanguard Vendor) Currently a good weapon in the hands of a skilled sharpshooter, this weapon can two burst most enemies so long as their armor isn't too high. The reason this doesn't come more recommended though is because killing guardians with more armor is probably going to be even more of a problem when the 2.0 update comes. All things considered, it will stay the same in PvE if you like this archetype for such things.
[b]The Fulcrum[/b] - (Found in FWC Vendor) Similar to Ill Will, some people will try the Final Round/ Braced Frame/ Luck in The Chamber roll to in essense make a mini-hawkmoon. If your into that gameplay style and really like the hawkmoon then this could be a weapon to consider trying out if you get the right roll.
[b]The Revelator[/b] - Liked the idea of The devil You Don't but didn't think it had enough bullets? The Revelator is better in every way with a bigger magazine plus you can reforge it so its worth a try as long as Hand Cannons don't become obsolete in the 2.0 update. Up The Ante is a similar gun with a bigger magazine size that is also worth looking into. Though, it doesn't have as much stability or aim assistance.
[b]NA3D1 Salvation State[/b] - (Found in Crucible) Great stats at the cost of its mag which makes it a good choice in PvP and looks it like the crota raid scout rifle but dipped in dark blue.
[b]Backscratcher 9.0[/b] - While this might not be a total beast of a weapon with the low stability of 2, it certainly has a fun factor as it starts with a mag of 105 and is part of the fastest shooting machine gun archetype. If you ever wanted to constantly spray the field with as many bullets as possible then this is the machine gun for you.
[b]Unwilling Soul-09[/b] - If you been around long enough, you might be most surprised by this gun being on the list. As it stands, it is not only part of the currently bad auto rifles but it is part of debatably the worst auto rifle archetype. So why even consider getting this high RoF weapon? Simply put, auto rifles will be getting a buff especially in PvE and that should hopefully make it useful again at least in PvE. On top of this, future auto rifles will have less base stability. A stat which the high RoF auto's depend on most of all! In my mind, this underdog of a weapon has the ability to rise above others in the future depending on how things go. You also never know what perks you'll be able to roll for with the new expansion. If your low on vault space and don't like taking chances then maybe you should just continue staying away from the weapon.
What do you guys think?
Edited by Mahono: 7/23/2015 12:27:14 AMi'm grinding dragon strikes for 3 weeks.. #hopscotch pilgrim