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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 11/5/2016 8:37:22 PM

Community Wish List (old)

Edit: This list is being retired. [b][url=]The new list can be found here[/url][/b]. Quoted below is the existing Community Wish List that was being curated by Destiny Player Support. I’m taking over this initiative and will be updating the list once a week. I love reading feedback, but we can all agree that there is a lot of it to sort through. In order to make sure you get your idea seen, post a new topic to the [url=]#Feedback[/url] forum and add the tag #CommunityWishList. This will give us an easy way to review all of your ideas you would like to be added to the list. Please remember that this is not a To-Do List for Bungie. We can’t promise that every idea is being worked on actively. Our goal here is to confirm that your feedback has been received. Everything on this list are things that the players of Destiny have repeatedly asked for. [quote]If you’d like to see new items placed on this list, start a [b]New Topic[/b] on this [b]Feedback board[/b]. Popular opinion matters! Topics that trend on this forum are more powerful than comments on this post. [b]This list is not in any order whatsoever.[/b] [b]Here are the most frequent community wishes for Destiny:[/b] -Transmogrification -Gun Skins -Guardian Facial Hair -Vault Sorting Options -Crucible Map Voting -Expanding Faction Interaction -Aim Assist Toggle Option -Rotating Stock on Tower Vendors -Additional Matchmaking Options -Material Stack Size Increase -Player Trading -Additional Guardian Customization Options -Alternating Spawns During Trials of Osiris -Add ability to dismantle items from postmaster -Easier way to use ammo synthesis -Hardcore playlist with no supers and limited equip -Firing range added to the Tower -Ability to assign emotes to other slots -Higher difficulty for legacy Raids like Vault of Glass and Crota's End -Add all Strikes to Heroic Vanguard and Nightfall playlist -Monthly PVE event like Iron Banner -Swords only gametype -Kiosks for Raid gear -Increase in ammo reserves for PVE -Strike map voting -Bring back Sparrow Racing League -Make Class Items cosmetic only -Make Wormspore purchasable [/quote] [quote][b]Wishlist Items added to the Game[/b] -Ability to purchase Armor Materials - [i]Added in Update[/i] -Add more uses for Artifacts - [i]Added in Update[/i] -In Game Clan Roster - [i]Added in Update 2.4.0[/i] -Private Crucible Matches - [i]Added in Update 2.4.0[/i] -Increase effectiveness of Super abilities - [i]Added in Update 2.3.0[/i] -Fix melee issues - [i]Applied in Hotfix[/i] -Improvements to Raid rewards - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Higher difficulty for Prison of Elders with Year 2 rewards - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Increase in Light carried over when Infusing - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Ability to purchase Weapon Parts - [i]Added in Update 2.0.2[/i] -Additional Storage/Vault Options - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i] -More Ghost Skins - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i] -Deleted Item Retrieval - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i](For some items) -Dismantle Consumable Items [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i](Turned in for Rep, Motes, etc)[/quote] Watch this space for updates, and keep talking to us about Destiny.

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  • Black lives matter emblem and shader that says -blam!- the police

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  • You got rid of reforging, I get it, but what about having it for scopes, so I can get the scope I want

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by CheckOutThesePythonsDoc: 7/19/2016 3:27:34 AM
      How about class-specific exotics for Rise of Iron? A few more ideas: •Custom reticles on scopes •Legendary weapon kiosks •The exotic Fire and Void Machine Guns from the trailer. The most important, however, is the return of Combined Arms.

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    • Is there anyway you could have a team playlist for groups 3 and up this is a huge advantage when others are solo playing to come up against a premade team of three plus

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    • Edited by SOLID1976: 7/19/2016 2:19:43 AM
      What's the point on all this blades silencers and spikes in weapons??? Sure they look cool but can we please have some kind of execution move with them in the new Destiny? Is pretty stupid to have a bayonet in a gun and not be able to use it in game.

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    • Nerf fusions... there way way way way way to overpowered........

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    • Being back elemental primaries. Make PvE activities fun again. Your game is super dry right now dude. There is no way you guys are making a decent amount of money on these expansions. Bring back the fun or receive no preorder from me!

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    • Why is it I'm alway missing psn exclusive weapons until I buy the next dlc? Like when I got TTK I finally got Hawkmoon, and 3 months after that fourth horseman. I'm might as well be an xbox user.

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    • Immunity period for 2-3 seconds in PVP after spawn/revive.

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    • Youve got to fix trials of osiris and pvp in general. There are too many lag switchers out there and its getting ridiculous. Also the respawn in osiris when your teammate revives you and the enemy is off in the distance ready to snipe you again which happened way to many times you cant fully respawn and move by time they snipe you again and kill you again its ridiculous. Level advantages also dont seem like they work at all. Im a 334 and was getting put down fast by 317's. Hacksaw and grasp of malok need nerfs its ridiculous thats all you see people use theres no skill with em when they have a god roll smh its sad this games pvp could be amazing but with no system checks on the lag switchers and these issues it makes it way less fun

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    • Bring back elemental weapons in raid rewards ect. How is this not on the list?

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    • Snipe or shot gun I'm not sure primary's are an option atm come on bungie this needs sorting you can't shut down a rushing shot gunner now as u have nurffed everything that could. Make the autos better again trials was a joke this weekend just rushing shot guns. Instead of making things rubbish make things better it's pretty bad now.

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    • Why does bungie have this. Nothing gets listened to. Its a joke at best.

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      • Make the 7-7 emblem available for purchase again please. I missed out due to work. Ive been playing since the beta. Please do us ,the ones who missed it ,have a chance again..

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      • Cozmo, can we pleeease have a ghost kiosk

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      • I got an email from y'all and I have gotten an error message. It's concerning about the future of Destiny so I was delighted in taking part of this group. I did not get the chance at all to answer the survey, but would you be so kindly to instruct me to the right destination. Thanks Cozmo. PS: I still have the email in case you need proof of my request.

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        • Remove the radar from all snipers rifles or maje them flinch stop the bullshit Reduce the range from TLW or reduce de damage but no the two at the dame time.

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          • fix your matchmaking - 3 against 5 , lost 5000 to 20k . fix your -blam!-ing shit you idiots . we are paying for your mistakes

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          • Redesign matchmaking of trials. Isn't it possible to get match making with elo score? So we get some kind of leagues. Been playing trials since year 1 and never got flawless. And we are not bad players. Eg in round 1 we get matched with guys on a 26 winstreak. Bad luck? Yeah maybe. But it happens so often we get matched with players way above our skill. If wr go into league style everybody is being matched with players of there own skill. Less carries, tough but fair for everyone. That's my opinion ( High skilled playerd will flame because they can't get "easy" wins anymore)

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          • Can we have a way to lock and/or buy passage coins. That would be great

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          • Equal reputation gains for both Vanguard and Faction. Dramatically increase Strange Coins drop rate. Crucible Streak Booster. Transparent weapons and armour. Game playable in third-person (maybe Destiny 2) Make elemental primary weapons exotic only. Match making for raids. Ability to put in an order to have our own customizable Destiny action figures made.

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          • Edited by MLG_DABI: 7/17/2016 2:48:47 PM

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          • So was the Hunter being able to traverse the entire map by swinging his knife part of the latest balance update or no?

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            • How about permanent bans on all who cheat in trials. Maybe on second or third offense. It would make trials or just crucible in general more enjoyable.

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            • Have Xûr sell Exotic Shards

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              3 Replies
              • [quote]Quoted below is the existing Community Wish List that was being curated by Destiny Player Support. I’m taking over this initiative and will be updating the list once a week. I love reading feedback, but we can all agree that there is a lot of it to sort through. In order to make sure you get your idea seen, post a new topic to the [url=]#Feedback[/url] forum and add the tag #CommunityWishList. This will give us an easy way to review all of your ideas you would like to be added to the list. Please remember that this is not a To-Do List for Bungie. We can’t promise that every idea is being worked on actively. Our goal here is to confirm that your feedback has been received. Everything on this list are things that the players of Destiny have repeatedly asked for. [quote]If you’d like to see new items placed on this list, start a [b]New Topic[/b] on this [b]Feedback board[/b]. Popular opinion matters! Topics that trend on this forum are more powerful than comments on this post. [b]This list is not in any order whatsoever.[/b] [b]Here are the most frequent community wishes for Destiny:[/b] -Transmogrification -Private Crucible Matches -Gun Skins -Guardian Facial Hair -Vault Sorting Options -Crucible Map Voting -Expanding Faction Interaction -Aim Assist Toggle Option -Rotating Stock on Tower Vendors -Additional Matchmaking Options -Weapon Rebalancing -Material Stack Size Increase -Player Trading -Additional Guardian Customization Options -Alternating Spawns During Trials of Osiris -Add ability to dismantle items from postmaster -Easier way to use ammo synthesis -Hardcore playlist with no supers and limited equip -Firing range added to the Tower -In Game Clan Roster -Ability to assign emotes to other slots -Higher difficulty for legacy Raids like Vault of Glass and Crota's End -Add all Strikes to Heroic Vanguard and Nightfall playlist -Monthly PVE event like Iron Banner -Swords only gametype -Kiosks for Raid gear -Increase in ammo reserves for PVE -Add more uses for Artifacts -Strike map voting -Ability to purchase Armor Materials -Bring back Sparrow Racing League -Make Class Items cosmetic only [/quote] [quote][b]Wishlist Items added to the Game[/b] -Increase effectiveness of Super abilities - [i]Added in Update 2.3.0[/i] -Fix melee issues - [i]Applied in Hotfix[/i] -Improvements to Raid rewards - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Higher difficulty for Prison of Elders with Year 2 rewards - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Increase in Light carried over when Infusing - [i]Added in Update 2.2.0[/i] -Ability to purchase Weapon Parts - [i]Added in Update 2.0.2[/i] -Additional Storage/Vault Options - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i] -More Ghost Skins - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i] -Deleted Item Retrieval - [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i](For some items) -Dismantle Consumable Items [i]Added in Update 2.0.0[/i](Turned in for Rep, Motes, etc)[/quote] Watch this space for updates, and keep talking to us about Destiny.[/quote] No more ninja nerfs please

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