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7/20/2015 3:05:25 AM

Gaming Journalism is Awful Thread

Just wanted to start one of these. Gaming journalism for years has been terrible, and I feel bad for the men and women who are actually passionate about games but are forced to abide by its shit standards. First, let's talk about reviews, and how crazy bloated review scores are. You can't honestly tell me tech demos like The Order and Ryse deserve 8.5s. The frequency of which major gaming journalism sites throw out 10/10s to any game with a decent following and production quality is absurd. Games like Zelda: Skyward Sword, Uncharted 3, and Dark Souls 2 were games that were riddled with countless flaws but were scored based on the quality and hype of their predecessors which were far superior to them (even if I personally loved DS2). I won't bother talking about being payed for positive press because that's a cluster-blam!-, but the point is that these sites will spin a terrible game into a mediocre game, a mediocre game into a good game, and a good game into a masterpiece. The quality of writing for gaming journalism is terrible across the board. The other day I was reading an article that someone linked about how Nintendo fans were disappointed with their E3 showing and how it might impact public perception and sales of the Wii U. It was a very informative, well written read. "Wow", I thought. A piece of gaming journalism that isn't filled with clickbait, shoehorned in advertisements, terrible writing, and insults to the reader? Whoops, never mind, it was a Bloomberg article. No wonder. Actual gaming sites are filled with clickbait and titles that withhold information for no reason but to generate traffic for money, which I understand, but sometimes it's just dumb. I'll click on the article anyway for more details, you don't need to say "Here's the solution to Halo 5's LCE digital issue". You can say "Trade in your digital Halo 5 code for a physical disc". Sometimes, titles are just downright retarded. I saw a Kotaku article that said "Your big ass phones won't fit into the Fallout 4 Pip-boy". Seriously? Aren't you supposed to be professionals? I know "ass" isn't really a curse word of considered NSFW, but what the hell is the point of having a title like that? And then there's of course all the overstatements, exaggerations, and pandering to the fanboys. No, Uncharted 3 didn't "take the bar and shatter all expectations". No, Skyward Sword isn't the best Zelda game ever made. And no, The Last of Us isn't the Citizen Kane of gaming. Gaming journalism has boiled down to catering to the Japan-sessed western audiences that the Internet is full of. That GT video of the Shenmue 3 reaction is downright cringe. Watching Kyle Bosman, a middle aged man who normally looks like the embodiment of despair crack a pathetic smile as a result of a [u]CG TRAILER[/u] of a [u][b]REMAKE[/b][/u], makes me question the meaning of life. Seeing GT say "Every dream has come true!" makes me wonder if we're watching the same press conference. For me, the only dream that came true was Fallout 4, which was announced before E3. Unless I missed the announcement of a No More Heroes style open world Wario game in Diamond City where you cruise around on the Wario Bike, I still have many dreams that have yet to be fulfilled. TLDR: gaming websites suck Thoughts?
#Faliz18 #Gaming

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  • Well the thing about reviews is that[spoiler]they are one persons opinion, it is sad to not buy a game because someone else said it was bad[/spoiler]

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