Psn is no better I hate how it feels and it navigates weird and everything to me
What is that? First you are making yourself look bad if you can't navigate PSN. Than that sentence was just literary genius.
I hope you realize it's 7 in the morning and I haven't slept yet and yet again I can navigate a ps read my response to the other guy
Yes I know what time it is, still wondering how you could navigate the Vault of Glass but have a hard time with the "weird and everything" PSN Menu.
Who's talking about navigating the vault? Dude what the actual -blam!- are even talking about
You are easily confused by the simplest of concepts and apparently sentences.
I'm done talking to you
what? you scroll left right up or down, how hard is that?
I didn't say it's hard I mean the the up down thing it's much easier to find things on xbox one and xbox 360 cause its a menu not -blam!-ing catigories
unless it's change since i last used, isn't the xbone interface the metro tiled inferface? that is all clunky and to much junk thrown at your face. I love minimal UI's personally
i just say xbox go to "insert app here". No navigating involved really
I still don't like feeling like I'm reading a file on a computer or somethign when I'm looking for somethign (horrible comparison I know)