What's wrong with Arkham Knight? I own it on Steam and have already beat it.
Running it on a 980 ti with an Overclocked i5 and 16GB of ram on an SSD and I still get frame rate drops below 10... Plus it's locked at 30 FPS and the textures break like 9 times a minute... At Least for me and a majority of people.
Not locked at 30fps for me. The lowest I've seen my fps is 29 and the normal fps is 59 with V-sync.
When was the last patch? Have not played since launch so.
Don't know. I beat it the first week it was out and haven't touched it since.
real shame that one. Hope rocksteady fixes it soon for pc players
You ATI or Nvidia?
I dont play on pc anymore unfortunately but i use to run Nvidia.
Ahh alright
yea, i did see that shit port of arkham knight on my buddys rig though. I was amazed at how horrible it was
Yeah, I've pretty much given up on AAA titles for my PC now. Literally every game besides witcher 3 for the last... Two years has been a broken pile of trash.
Seriously? I didnt know the issue was that bad, that really blows bro.
Check out TotalBiscuits Port reports and you will see how nobody cares about making PC titles decent anymore.
damn bro, ill have to look at it. Thats a hell of a shame man