Dud your talking about Microsoft not Sony.
The XB Live got hacked years ago and everyone lost their stuff. Try doing some research before believing rumos you heard from butt hurt fan boys.
ROFLMAO youre kidding me right? Guy, it was def playstation, psn was down for weeks, i couldnt access my profile and sony jacked me of almost 500 bucks. Just wow
Yes PSn was down for a few months that is true. But XB live has been hacked and peoples personal info stolen for years. Look it up, in 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 and other years XB live has been hacked and people account info stolen. With PlayStation 3 since it was free you never had to give any credit card info at any time. So if something is free and does not require any credit card info how can your stuff be stolen?
the links you posted were rumors and minor incidents. Please please please research things bud. 77 million psn customers had personal info taken, that is A PROVEN FACT, you gotta see the difference here.
It is a proven fact that Microsoft never releases the truth to the public only the things that make them look good. You would rater stick with a company that is based on lies, then a company that comes out and tells the truth. it is a prove fact that millions of Xbox live users have had their personal info stolen, had money stolen from their accounts,. Just because you refuse to see the truth, does not mean Microsoft is better, your just being a fan boy being fed half truths and flat out lies, and believe them