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Edited by MiloOmega: 12/6/2015 11:06:13 PM

Community Creations Submissions

Hey guys, today is an exciting day! A lot of us are entering into the art contest hosted by Bungie today. To celebrate and remember those of us who were brave in showing off their work, I am going to make a list of everyone and the art that they are submitting. Enjoy! [quote]Aviixe - [url=]The Vault of Glass[/url] BeserkerOWLL - [url=]Crota's End[/url] - [url=]Push Off[/url] BioSpider - [url=]Destiny Arcade Edition[/url] DE4THINC4RN4TE - [url=]Destiny: Year One[/url] Double D - [url=]Here's To Year One [/url] Echelon - [url=]Portal[/url] Ghost Eden - [url=]How Destiny Inspired Me[/url] - [url=]Destiny Hammer Concept[/url] - [url=]The Taken Myrelith[/url] Hojtastic - [url=]Let's See What's Out There[/url] Index - [url=]Enrage is Near[/url] J3fe Maestro - [url=]All the good I have ever done will be washed away in the fire of who I have become[/url] Jamastermann - [url=]Sparrow Surfing[/url] lazesummerstone - [url=]Exotic Watermelon Exo Page (EXEP) 1[/url] - [url=]EXEP 2[/url] - [url=]EXEP 3[/url] - [url=]EXEP 4[/url] - [url=]Last Bullet Left[/url] Irish Liberty - [url=]Warlock Maquette[/url] - [url=]Ghost![/url] MissPunk95 - [url=]Confronting Crota[/url] - [url=]Trials of Osiris[/url] PVSpartanL36 - [url=]LEGO Devil Walker[/url] RangerRick11 - [url=]Dammit Rick![/url] - [url=]ATS/8 Arachnid[/url] Rellik42 - [url=]Meeting a New Friend[/url] Remorazz - [url=]There was a Third Man[/url] Siege - [url=]Destiny: Year One[/url] - [url=]Little Light[/url] superhawk610 - [url=]Andy Warlock[/url] TotalHavok - [url=]The Fall Will Probably Kill You[/url] Wahine - [url=]A Postcard From Destiny[/url] - [url=]The Destiny Time[/url] - [url=]Fallen in Love[/url] [/quote]

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  • Hey, do you have the option to unpin this? Or do I have to make you a mod again?

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    • Who loves orange soda?

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      • Taking a day off from saving the world.

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        • Silence Her Screams!

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        • Edited by Hojtastic: 8/15/2015 4:59:00 PM
          EDIT: changed link to the Community Creations page "There's A Reason He Only Has Two Arms"

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          • It's not too late to add another one, is it? [url=]"Kell of Kells"[/url]

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            • Inspired by the Traveler and it's unknown origins, acrylic and gauche on wood panel.

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            • I'm gonna toss in my two cents in few days. Maybe draw something... Love y'alls work!

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            • I'm giving you certain powers so you can make it a group announcement.

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            • Edited by TotalHavok: 7/28/2015 4:39:42 AM
              Awesome work, everyone! Off to do some voting now. Thanks for the convenient list. (: Can I drop mine in here too? >> [url=]The Fall Will Probably Kill You[/url]

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              • Babumpety Blump

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              • Edited by lazesummerstone: 7/28/2015 1:47:25 AM
                I have a comic that I'm posting on the new Bungie-Creations page as well as over at my own site [url][/url] But here's the pages I've posted thus far! [url=]Page 1[/url] [url=]Page 2[/url] [url=]Page 3[/url] [url=]Page 4[/url] And then my [url=]Vault of Glass[/url] entry Thanks for lookin' guardians!

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                • Edited by WickedWahine808: 7/27/2015 9:12:30 PM
                  New Ghost entry Edit link, I R stupid in the morning, and sometimes the stupidity even drags on in the afternoon...

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                • All this awesomeness in one thread. You guys are great. :) I've drawn two at the moment, and I would love to hear your thoughts. [url=]"Little Light"[/url] Tribute to the great and powerful Dinklebot. And [url=]"Destiny: Year One"[/url] The first things that came to mind when I thought about our adventures thus far.

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                  • 2
                    There have been so many awesome works posted so far and I've enjoyed looking at all of them Here's the one I drew for the contest, I did a throw back to Sparrow Surfing I also added my older drawing from the previous art competition but that was just more for the community

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                    • Edited by index: 7/27/2015 1:18:13 AM
                      Hey, these are all awesome! Great thread. I am having a lot of fun with the Creations page. My fingers have been crossed to see a Blizzard-esque fan art page on for SO LONG! Here is what I submitted today, a celebration of Destiny's Year One through shared memories and typography: [url=]Enrage Is Near[/url]. It was created over the weekend (Sat/Sunday) using Photoshop. A rough estimation is that it took...a lot of hours and a lot of caffeine. Criticism/questions on the process are welcome.

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                      • WOOOOOOOOOOO

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                        • Posted this for the lulzzz

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                          • I drew two.

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                            • I did not know when was the last day to submit the job, so I did a little faster, ipad 2 and photoshop new here by the way :D

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                              • Edited by superhawk610: 7/26/2015 11:10:14 PM
                                Joined this group because of the Art Contest, you guys are awesome! Feedback appreciated :) Title: [b]andy warlock[/b]

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                                • Edited by RangerRick11: 7/24/2015 1:06:44 PM
                                  If I were to enter this contest, and I mean IF I were to enter... then this would be my submission. This is my famous vestian dynasty wielding, shank killing, blue cloak wearing hunter riding his supa fast time breaker. Praise him. However, in order to spare you the hurt of knowing you lost/watching me win, I will not enter. I will let the person get first who, in the event that I entered, would get second place. Go ahead and win. Just know that my artwork is and will always be superior to yours. [spoiler]kthnxbye[/spoiler] Edit: Fix'd. Shank is now in his rightful place. He is being slain by the vestian dynasty.

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                                  • [url=]"There was a Third Man..."[/url] Vote for me!

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                                    • My attempt at serious artwork. Don't laugh. I'll hurt you if you do.

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                                      • This seems like a perfect time to show off my [url=]LEGO Devil Walker.[/url] I also have an [url=]album of the creation process[/url] if anyone's interested.

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                                        • Edited by Mechetti: 7/23/2015 11:17:30 PM
                                          You need to add BioSpider's arcade game entry!

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