Just re read the weapon update. Im so fearfull for my weapons. Handcannons are going to get so many changes. Range and accuracy, mag size, hip fire, damage falloff. Honestly im so scared they are going to be nerfed into oblivion and why? Because one exotic version was to powerfull in pvp.
I dont even play pvp and yet my weapons are all getting a nerf. All the weapons I have grinded for from september are going to change all because of a pvp balancing effort that in all honesty will never work. Now everyone is just going to switch to scoutrifles.
Im a handcannon guy. Alsways was, always will be. If this makes my weapons useless I can't keep playing. The gameplay in using these guns is what kept me playing all this time and now its all going to change.
Please guys dont destroy handcannons.
Im really begging you here.
- An outlaw
*Edit: I hate when im right...
They will be more unstable at long range. Expect them to be used at short distances and the need to aim.