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originally posted in: Etheric Light
7/23/2015 5:47:38 PM
Cheap? You have to grind 4 weekly heroics for that many coins, or mi sleazy play a shit load of dragon strikes and PoE runs. So it's okay to buy exotic shards to ascend exotics but not light to ascend legendaries. Please send me some of the weed you are smoking, cuz it must be some powerful shit.

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  • 3 weekly heroics at level 32 net you 27 strange coins. Not to mention any random ones you pick up along the way. My idea requires two weeks of grinding. Your idea is too cheap to be considered by Bungie. But, I do not believe my idea is going to be considered either. So we both lose. The exotic shards argument is flawed insofar as players can only use one exotic weapon/gear at a time so it makes a little more sense that exotic shards are easier to come by. I do believe the Etheric Light is too difficult to come by as a whole. I'm not saying your idea is shit, I'm saying it's too cheap for Bungie to consider it.

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  • But I do r want to grind for weeks on end. I just want to enjoy the game through natural gameplay.

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  • Natural game play then is the current methods by which you can obtain Etheric Light. That does not include your idea or my idea. There is absolutely no way Bungie considers any idea that would circumvent their end game content. Not a chance.

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  • End game content? Haven't seen any yet.

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  • Ha, you know, those bullet sponges in PoE? Thorns of Osiris? Ya know, that stuff.

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