you've shot yourself in the foot.
*scurries back under bridge to commence laughter*
I don't see how. You however are a giant idiot
Edited by PThrust9001: 7/23/2015 7:36:00 PMIf a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If a complete moron makes a fool out of themselves, and then proceeds to hypocritically call others names, does anyone really give a shit?
1.yes... So that means 2.yes by the way you worded it...
you passed the test, complete moron status removed, you have leveled up to dimwit.
Ah, in this post we can see PTthrust's descent from self proclaimed salt factory into butthurt lil' kid as he starts to resort to childish insults when confronted with sound logic from another source I really do commend you.
I imagine your response in the french bikini bottom announcer voice. well done