Gears of War ......git gud scrub
Nah. I beat Killzone 2 on Elite mode. You get gud.
I beat Halo:Reach and 4 on legendary solo so your get "git gud" is nullified pleb
Trust me, Killzone's harder.
Trust me, your wrong
Killzone on Elite gives you 4-5 shot kills, 2-3 shot death, constant and infinitely respawning enemies. It truly shows it's difficulty on the last level where Radec is chasing you with a knife and countless enemies in this small arena are shooting at you. I nearly broke my controller.
And don't even get me started on the mythic difficulty
Don't get me started on God of War's Titan difficulty. Chaos mode is borderline impossible. lol
All of which is added on to legendary diff
No what I mean by "Mythic" is a bunch of POS skulls that individually are enough to make the game a challenge but together make śhït sandwich look look good
I'll give you the endless enemies but not the Kill to death time because Halo is on par if not harder when it comes to that
Also a good brand, but totally different genre
Kinda linear after a while, so don't play it in one sitting. Horrible mythology accuracy but still fun to play. 7/10
Edited by aknaff: 7/24/2015 6:42:02 AMLove both Halo and God of War, but to say GoW is linear in a post championing Halo is kind of ironic, dontcha think?
Maybe a bit, but I meant more gameplay wise. A bit into GoW you can have a combo to take out most enemies with little effort. That's kinda the flaw in that genre games. Funny enough, it's mostly jump+heavy as well. And i more just wanted to comment on games others like, in a regular fashion at least.
Eh. Halo is better.