Maybe he has a point. A little interesting to watch, at least.
Its also not about nerfing or buffing, really. In all seriousness. People use the Thorn and Gally for one reason, and one reason only. They have obvious strengths that make them ideal for certain situations. So what do you do? The idea isn't to "remove" those strengths, but rather highlight the intended strengths of OTHER weapons to expand player choice. Give players a reason to use other stuff. The Universal Remote for example. Great gun, actually. People give it all kinds of hell. But in actuality, the truth of the matter is that this sucker has RANGE to it, yo. Gameplay-wise, using it in comparison to any other shotgun, this weapon is a KILLER. But the problem is that they didn't really highlight this all that well. Your timing has to be STUPIDLY LUCKY in most cases, but it does actually have a greater kill range than others. And rightfully so, since it calls for you to sacrifice your Primary Weapon slot in order to use it. One example of how to do this one would be to actually further extend its range and make that its key feature that is easier for others to feel and experience for themselves. As others have said. Never balance down, always balance up.
Edited by Arclight545: 7/24/2015 1:21:43 AMThis has been my opinion all along. ALL of the illiterate, non spelling morons who use this phrase "Git Gud Scrub" are probably the ones who whined, bitched, moaned, an cried for this nerf. Theyre probably members of the Participation Ribbon generation. The generation that never learned to grow from failure, to adjust, adapt, and overcome. Notice that Cosmo had nothing intelligent to say.
Doesn't know anything about PvP apparently. After I finally decided to pull my thorn out (to go flawless 4th week of TOO), I was carrying 1v3. Someone tell me thorn and TLW are fair weapons [spoiler]They aren't[/spoiler]. Exotic handcannons needed a nerf. When one playstyle is VASTLY dominant over another, then a nerf is needed.
*Approves of this video* Bump for the Win.
Kinda hard to watch... He really needs to slam a few beers and breathe before he gets back on the mic... Besides that I kinda agree..kinda...
He talks too slowly to watch it all for me but I agree with the gist of what he's saying. Give players a chance to adapt before you "fix" things. Knackering up weapons in the name of PvP is getting annoying. But this "weapons balancing" is all a cover story isn't it.. Nothing to do with TTK weapons coming out soon, at all, of course not..
Awesome video. So Bungie didn't truly give us what the game content suppose to be.
Moving this to feedback. Thanks.
This is exactly what ive been saying. This game ISNT MEANT NOR SHOULD IT BE BALANCED. This whole game is based on grinding and finding the next best more powerful weapon/armor. The whole point is to be more powerful then the next guy lmao. Just because the other person put more time and did more things to get become a monster while the other guy does a couple things and complains that hes not equal is comical. This guy is correct. Bungie 100% needs to step back and let this game play out. This video needs to get spammed like a mother fuker so everyone can get it through their containers they call "heads" this is supposed to be how this game works.
Reserved for when watched.
Not bad once you get half through
Yeah bump