There are whiners everywhere. It's what happens when you live in an age where an entire generation has grown up believing they are entitled to things.
Amazing how long it takes some to learn that's not how life works.
Gotta love people like that. I've grown up in said generation. I have to say I absolutely hate it. My generation is a bunch of assholes and self entitled pricks
ah, learn the hard way ObiOrion? Sounds like you think you're better than everyone else
Not at all. In fact I think I suck at the game I enjoy so much. I'm just amazing how many people play this game constantly crying about how unfair it is that they've put in xxxx hours or worked so hard and haven't gotten [insert shiny object] while others get it said shiny right away or have gotten multiples. I've watched people "rage quit" during raids because someone else got the exotic or legendary they've been "denied". To me it's funny and sad at the same time. Respectfully, Orion