must have gone flawless 5000+
Have gone flawless 5,280 times and have maxed out The Last Gjallarthorn and Cabal Mythobreaker
Must be able to win the game at initial spawn and must have the supercalafragilisticexpadaliotios emblem from the special snowflake social smoking lounge
Must be level 69 and be able to pull off a 420 stethoscope from 500 feet
Must have a 12" dick or longer, don't lie because I will check
Must be a Wartanter and have the Sundanceder skill tree maxed
Must have the skill to pull off a Fist of Panic
Make sure you meet the requirements for an invite don't waste my time
These are my requirements for trails of ISIS
What are yours?
To learn how to spell trials correctly that should be a requirement.
Just wondering why you would want to check. I mean, some things, should be on the honor system.
Must have not caught dysentery
Shit, my dick is 11 centimeters
Not die of dysentery. Be able to fjord a river.
Who do I send the dick pic to?
Must be immune to dysentery. Bison crit hit percentage above 80%
You will check actually made me laugh lol
The ability to spell...???
What are your requirements for trials?
Lol at when people can't tell OP spelled "trials" as "trails" on purpose.
Bring plenty of water for those trails
good boots daypack with clothing layers, snacks and water a map and compass waterproof matches pocket knife flint whistle mirror
Heress mine Must be lvl 100 Must have max hawkmoon Must have xbox
+1 for Trails of ISIS
Must be good conversationalist.
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.
I was on lfg today and someone was demanding max Gally only on Atheon. I logged off.
[quote]Must have a 12" dick or longer, don't lie because I will check[/quote] But I don't have a dick. D:
Edited by MarcusWk: 7/25/2015 4:18:56 AM*Has 2"* *cries*
[quote]420 stethoscope[/quote]Goddamnit, mine's only a 410 model
Dang.. only got 11"
Dude, my trail partners have to be experienced outdoorsmen, have readily available trail mix, and most importantly have a walking stick and a terrible pair of socks and boots.
I meet all of your requirements. Add XxX-_-42OB14Z3lT-_-XxX
No wonder you're mad, you have a .66 in trials
A good pair of hiking boots are best for trails.