[spoiler]Why are you even bothering? All you guys did was get mad because you couldn't go cap this guy willy-nilly. You don't think someone with info on the Mafia would be protected by the police? REALLY?!?[/spoiler]
I mean, if you're gonna interfere, at least let OP/Hickory know. You can't just come in crashing like that out of nowhere.
Well, it's all over now. You wanted to be dicks and so I went ahead and cut out my posts. If hickory was active, he'd probably object to cannibalistic thread-hoppers like Tiger jacking his authority anyway, despite the validity/invalidity of my posts. Therefore, I'm leaving.
I am a thread hopper, but I am in no way cannibalistic. Ghoul flesh is disgusting.
I was referencing your character from Taeda. Which I'm going to burn with my own two hands. So why don't we call this a deal, and stop antagonizing each other and digging a hole. Sound good? I'll go first.