It's been reported and analyzed on The Know on YouTube that Half Life 3 will not be released.
Edit 1: added link to video
Edit 2: Follow up report
Who even wants this game? I sure don't.[spoiler]wink, wink[/spoiler]
Weird how a HL3 logo was on the valve site...
Edited by Vgnut: 7/25/2015 1:29:29 AMThe ME3 ending was so bad it killed HL3. Thanks Bioware. Ruining Mass Effect wasn't enough.
Edited by Oxide: 7/25/2015 3:19:16 AMLove the anonymous sources reasoning to why they are scared "Because people are shit heads" "If every copy came with a free blowjob the Internet would complain they didn't cup the balls right " This is sad because it's true
Shameless bump
Half life is the best twisted macabre scifi out there. I wanna know what's on the other side of the portal, a doorway to the multi verse, aliens, time travel, the unknown.
I just posted that it wasn't coming. Ever