[spoiler]continued from my last post [/spoiler]
[b]i lean up against a wall and examine the massive cut across my chest.[/b]
[b]i stumble back to the jeep and grab my first aid kit. I quickly patch myself up and return to the building to continue the search. As i walk in, i notice the elevator shaft. I feel like an idiot for not seeing it before. I go back to the jeep, grab a radiation suit, and come back and lower myself into the shaft. I find a bare room. There are only two things visible; a blue cylinder that is standing upright and built halfway into the wall, and a weird panel. The panel speaks:[/b]
"Identify yourself."
"My name is Andrew Silryte."
"That name is not valid. Please try again."
[b]i realize ill have to use my real name. Shit[/b]
"My name, is Andrew Sladky."
"Welcome Sladky."
[b]the entire room begins to open, revealing multiple panels. A note sits over a big red button.[/b]
[b]i do as im told and lift open the plastic cap covering it and shove down. red lights blare and the entire room turns white. I can still feel the button. I keep pushing. The light dims, and a man steps out from the cylinder.[/b]
"Wheres that cyborg? Im gonna REALLY -blam!- him up."
"Lets get back to the jeep." [b]we head for the jeep and the whole way to the observatory is dead silence. When we arrive, he is impressed about what ive made my home.[/b] "Say hello to Henry." "You named a droid after me?" "Yup."
"So what has happened while ive been gone?" "Not much. I got imprisoned in the citadel. That was a bumpy train ride. Oh, i think you'll want this back." [b]i hold out hellbringer wondering if he will take it. He reaches, but stops. He pushes my hand back.[/b] "I think you've got it covered. Are the Nouisaeculi still set up in the same location?" "Yep." "Alright. Mind if i take the jeep and announce my return?" "Go right ahead." [b]he walks our the door.[/b] "Hey Henry?" "Yeah?" "Dont die again." "No promises." [b]he leaves, and im left alone with myself.[/b] "It was hard enough without you...."