I think the real danger is that without black hammer and gally it will make boss fights longer and harder, just as bungie intended.
This means that my fire team is now more critical than it was before, so people may well rank up their eliteism a notch to compensate, the opposite of what bungie want, and very unhealthy for the game!
Your still going to have 18 continuous shots with Hammer. And usually one ammo pickup refills your ammo if you have a perk on an armor your wearing. So its not toooooooo bad.
At 10 shots per leg spider tanks will drain your teams black hammer ammo reserve and still be standing.
I think for PVE the go to solution will be scout rifle/shotty. Scouts are already strong in PVE and they are getting a 10% buff. Who needs a sniper with a scout rifle? Maybe a switch out at the boss but that prob about it A lot of this is about PVP (other than the ghorn)
I will my life to you scouts will be the next weapon nerf. Any weapon that becomes popular in this game eventually gets nerfed that's how bungie works this game
Exactly my point. Nerfing is never a solution.
Your point is my point guardian ;)