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originally posted in: Who would voice your ghost?
Edited by Orion_Ent: 7/25/2015 10:21:56 AM
[quote] Top picks: Morgan freeman Snoop dogg Benedict Cumberbatch Arnold Schwarzenegger Sterling Archer James Earl Jones Peter Dinklage Ben Kingsley David Attenborough The joker (any one) Gilbert Gottfried Shia Lebeouf [/quote] Imagine three. 1.Morgan freeman 2.The joker 3.Arnold Schwarzenegger Now try to see if you can hear this in your head (the numbers match the specified person above with the same number) 3.(when trying to escape from fallen enemies): "GET TO DA SHIP!!" 2.(when using your ghost to open a door or gate) "well now let me pull out my funny key and get this over with" *maniacal laughter* 1.(when you meet your ghost for the first time) "i do not know who you are or how you have died but i need you to come with me on an adventure to save our Mother Earth." [spoiler] Could it be funny? Also shia lebeouf as your ghost: JUST DO IT!!! [/spoiler]

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