Damn what is wrong with you people? I mean Jesus....
I just hope that this freak gets a good amount of time in jail and should be treated like he should be.
Link to the article http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/alabama-man-caught-sex-wife-dog-revenge-article-1.2259405
>Be that guy >Wife cheats >oh yeah.jpg >Cum here doggy >perfect plan >give dog the fuke >go in jail >damnit.gif
My wife slept with everybody
Talk about screwing the pooch..
What a moron. Why on earth would you think about having it away with a dog when we all know that horses are clearly better.
Al least it wasn't Florida
Only in the south
You guys never fail in stifling my faith in humanity. Maybe I should go live on a deserted island already.
Damn the south.
Free country.
Theres a channel called JustKiddingNews they have articles of all types of weird shit u should check em out
He'll be someone's anal buddy in jail no doubt.
My god.....