It's the ultimate battle between Bungie's 2 major game series! (plus 343's Halo)! Which games protagonist will win? That's up to you guys!
Who would win? And why is it Master Chief? I was inspired to do this because of a post in #destiny.
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Oh my gosh!
Master Chief because he can actually pick up weapons. Also, this most likely be dankness zone so Ghost can't revive you.
Edited by Impurity41: 8/2/2015 5:03:48 AMMaster chief. This wouldn't be a contest. It would be an annihilation. He will fight every guardian and win
I'm surprised thought more Sony Fanboys would be here voting for guardians
When a guardian picks up a weapon, the guardian gets buffed When Master Chief picks up a weapon, the weapon gets buffed
Master chief because in halo 3 he takes out all of the flood over a million they said and he's a one man plus he's a Titan so yeah🍎
Guardian because well thorn and last word
Guardian. Purely because of super.
If you don't pick chief, you obviously have 0 idea what your talking about
How is this even a question?
Edited by Un1337ninj4: 8/2/2015 5:41:28 AMThere's one of these posts every month it seems. It depends entirely on how the universe's tech transfers. Guardians have programmable matter woven into all of their tech, space magic, and insanely tech'd out suits similar to Chief. Their weapons are things the UNSC would go mad considering as even possible. A Guardian's abilities are unlimited in quantity, but have a cooldown. They also have their Supers but I'm not counting them. Chief has MUCH more basic weapons, but he's Capt America on Steroids and Lucky Charms™. He also doesn't have to wait on cooldowns to use his 'nades, but they're finite. It's even unknown as to how different the rounds fired from UNSC weapons differ to that of Destiny's. So many "What ifs" and unknowns to accurately make a statement, but in a 1v1 fisticuffs without Light involved (the thing that makes a Guardian a Guardian) Chief would win.
I'm going to say guardian because space magic
It depends on the play style of the Guardian, and the class, sub class, upgrades on the sub class, level, weapons, armor.
I'm so tired of these posts that I'm just going to say one thing: if this was determined by how they play in game, guardians would win. Guardians do not have enough lore to determine an outcome.
Does the guardian have the current gally or the 2.0 nerfed gally? Because a very small reduction in the wolf pack rounds would make the difference
Edited by Insert Name Here: 7/26/2015 12:44:06 AMBiased poll is biased [spoiler]try #Gaming[/spoiler]
Might want a less biased place.
Made a post in destiny like this at the moment it's half and half
I want to see what people think in #destiny will probably get angry PMs and comments wish me luck