It's the ultimate battle between Bungie's 2 major game series! (plus 343's Halo)! Which games protagonist will win? That's up to you guys!
Who would win? And why is it Master Chief? I was inspired to do this because of a post in #destiny.
Over 1,000 replies!
Oh my gosh!
The character's skill is only limited by the player controlling them.
People read halo books? Losers
Golden gun ftw....
Agent Locke
Hold on, why are we so focused on who would win? Why don't we think about how -blam!-ing badass it would be if Chief and the guardians teamed up. Imagine MC riding on a mother-blam!-ing sparrow (His suit would probably crush it tbh, but who the -blam!- cares, let's give the sparrows some plot armor and plot strength so they can hold and go fast with MC) Chief wielding a ghallarhorn and then pulling out a spartan laser on Crota and Atheon. God my balls would grow ten times bigger because of how manly and awesome chief and the guardians teaming up would be
DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW THE MOTTO!?! Spartans never die
As much as i support destiny... Long Live MasterChief!
[i]Halsey, did you know master chief was at his core. Broken. [/i] "What does this have to do with John" "You naval intelligence seem to lack the concept of my Spartans as military hardware" "My Spartans saved the human race" [u]Catherine, Spartans never die[/u] These lines aren't in order but they are the coolest of coolest lines in halo 4 Btw. Chief wins. You can't play destiny and say a shitty guardian would win, without playing halo and realizing how much master chief did and can do. Beoch, he took on a forerunner! Tell me 1 guardian who takes on a God who can turn you into data. Please don't say crota or Atheon or some crappy excuse like oryx. Haha that will just make me laugh
Wouldn't it just be a never ending battle?
Master chief would just insert Cortana AI into the Guardians Ghost and then corrupt the ghost to kill off the guardian then Cortana would just take over the Ghost's shell and follow Master Chief or turn into the The oracle or Guilty Spark =D
I'm asking a serious question. It's been a minute since I played halo. He didn't have any supers did he? I'm not looking at this as a system fanboy (I loved halo btw), but would MC really be able to take a guardian?
MC been a warrior all his life. Guardians died in traffic jam....U do the math. [spoiler]If your a badass, you'll never die in fcken rush hour[/spoiler]
You know who else would win??? [spoiler]Your Face! :)[/spoiler]
Guardian because I don't want to be ripped apart then put back together
Master chief is practically the chosen one, with all the force of plot armor behind him.
Randal the vandal will kill them all [spoiler]seriously tho Mc all the way[/spoiler]
Im not even a Xbox player. Thats how awesome he is
Sorry Xbox only users we have lord Kratos
32% did not see him in the beginning of Halo 2.
Dregden yor vs chief? Yor was the shit in crucible...would be a close match but I think chief would lose that fight
Edited by RipleyXVII: 8/4/2015 4:18:32 PMI think this is more of a battle between master chief and gjallarhorn Or whether or not you think your gaurdian can beat him
I stick with Kratos Kisses bitch
Edited by Captain Kupo: 8/4/2015 4:07:38 PMThe guardian More weapons, more abilities, better weapons, more mobility... If it was a skilled guardian that is John could take on a bunch of noobs tbh [spoiler]security officer master race tho[/spoiler]
Why are people comparing a game thats been out for years and a game that still not even a year. Lets compare halo 1 chief to destiny 1 guardian pvp.