How about, [quote]Even the Gunsmith will have a new way to include you in his enterprise.[/quote]
Could we be getting a legitimate crafting system? Please?
I just hope it isn't some currency generating profession or something. Even when I manage to go broke I cap my glimmer within the day without really even trying. I try to float around 10K just so I can feel like there is something to gain. A crafting system would be nice but that seems like a big step for Bungie so I won't get my hopes up for it. Maybe we'll be able to be gun runners or something.
While crafting would be fun, where would we put everything? I have no bank space.
Won't happen.
It might....If they did it like an exotic bounty, where you had to complete several specific missions to receive certain upgrades.
I wish they did this for every exotic gun to begin with. Instead of getting a gun from a drop, you get a bounty. Each gun would feel like you actually earned it.
Won't get my hopes up. Very unlikely.
That would be BAD-ASS!