Why the best? China has way more troops, russia has way better war equipment/vehicles, north korea has way better missiles/organization, US only got few million soldiers who fight in Iraq for nothing else than just killing civilians, ISIS is not a threath since they are not going to come in an airplane and drop bombs here in america so why even bother them?
[quote]north Korea has way better missiles/organization[/quote] LOLOLOLOLOL YOU MUST BE EXTREMELY RETARDED!!! The U.S. has over 3000 nukes and can fire them at anywhere in the world at any time and North Korea has like...what...1 fúcking missile that has an extremely short range to it?!!!
Clearly never been to Russia, they got missiles that can destroy earth u american [u]-blam!-[/u]tard
I'm talking about North Korea, not Russia, idiot.
-blam!- you american dumb-blam!-
Because we're the best idiot?
Why are you the best?
Because everyone else are fgts?
I hate being american
ISIS isn't coming here? And that dick that shot unarmed military personnel was a lone wolf, right? Go ahead and believe the libtard media.
Probably cause you're a fgt