"No I mean yeah I am fine but answer the question do you want to go or not" He spits the cigarette out and starts coughing
Edited by Kain The Slain: 7/26/2015 5:37:09 PM"Yeah I guess"
Edited by Cyberwatcher: 7/26/2015 5:41:17 PM"F*ck well let's get going " he jumps out and falls on motorcycle His eye pours out blood
"Um your eyes are bleeding"
"It's not your concern lets go " He starts to sweat
[b]hops on her bike[/b] "Lead the way"
He starts driving while bones appear out of shoulder blades "Oh f*ck "
"What the f*ck"
"Shut the f*ck up sl*t " He arrives to the lab before you
[b]follows hesitantly[/b]
"Hold up " He pukes blood out and wipes mouth "Are you a hacker"
"No I'm a Cyborg"
"Destroy this door and hide"
"Alright" [b]she rips the door off it's hindges then hides[/b]
"F*ckers will die here" Bones appears out Palm and starts wrecking shit
[b]stays hidden [/b]
Sabotages alarm "Katt come out " I look at myself covered in blood
[b]"Katt please come out" he sits and waits [/b]
[b]walks in[/b]
Still driving
[spoiler]Damn, Vin Diesel must've taught you[/spoiler]
[spoiler]well she's on a motorcycle[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I sorta count that as driving...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]she's good at it[/spoiler]
http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dirtybomb/images/2/2e/Phantom.JPG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150603051050 *is layign against a wall messing with his PDA*