Do you people not understand how progress works?
They are going to increase the level cap to 50 people.
That means that you won't be able to keep your level 32-34 gear. Just like you didn't get to keep using the russian rifle you get in the beginning of the game forever and ever and had to move on to a new gun.
You don't get to choose when you stop progressing or get to demand that nothing changes. People talk about gamer entitlement and for the most part I think its bullshit, but what I am seeing here is the definition of entitlement. You all want all the new content , but you don't wanna give up what you already have. You demand that you get to keep using the same stuff forever unless you find something better.
Thats not how games works. Especially games that are expansion based.
When the Reaper of Souls expansion came to Diablo 3 you didn't get to keep using your old gear. You had to move on to the new content.
When WoW releases a new expansion you don't get to keep using your old gear.
Whe CoD/Halo releases a new game you don't get to keep the gear you were already using in the previous installment.
This is an ACTUAL expansion for Destiny. Not the hollow husks that we got like HoW and TDB yet even THEY forced us to move on to new raid gear and new weapons.
But you think that TTK is somehow different? Despite the fact that it will supposedly contain more than double what HoW and TDB had combined?
Exotics will of course be able to be upgraded, but if you think you should able to be using a Fatebringer (A Level 30 Weapon) and it still be JUST as good as it ever was at Level 50 then you people are out of your minds.
[b][u]I understand that some people are attached to their weapons and I also understand that some of you still haven't even GOTTEN the weapons in question yet so you don't wanna see that effort go to waste but this is how it has ALWAYS worked when it comes to expansions. Year 1 gear WILL be pushed to the background especially now that they are even releasing new gun makers. Do you really think they would go through all of this trouble and effort of creating all this new content, but still let everyone use and abuse the old stuff as well? [/u][/b]
[b]EDIT: Just to be clear I am speaking about [i]PvE[/i] exclusively. I know that in PvP you will obviously be able to use whatever you want. I am talking about PvE where numerical stats actually matter.[/b]
[b]EDIT 2: Also just to be clear I am not claiming they are gonna REMOVE the old guns. I am simply saying that by increasing the level cap they will be forcing you to REPLACE the old guns. [/b]
We should be able to use every weapon available in Destiny for its entire lifespan. That is, until Destiny 2.