We all know oryx is supposedly to be the next raid boss, But i have inside info that it is not oryx. My uncles cousins mom has a friend who works as a janitor at bungie (i swear) Who has told me that the next raid boss is [spoiler]cthulhu[url=http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130407195412/smashbroslawlorigins/images/8/8f/Cthulhu_South_Park.png&imgrefurl=http://smashbroslawlorigins.wikia.com/wiki/File:Cthulhu_South_Park.png&h=405&w=347&tbnid=y1WhzcKcXP31-M:&docid=cX1G_u2WH4jEnM&hl=en&ei=KqG0VcTgHMPr-QHeo5uABQ&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCYQMygDMANqFQoTCMSdyYG3-MYCFcN1Pgod3tEGUA]Proof[/url][/spoiler]
Edited by RichyWoo: 7/26/2015 9:18:03 PM[spoiler]I cant tell you how i know , but i can 102% confirm as an absolute fact Cthulhu is the end boss and the Dreadnaught takes the form of a huge illuminati Pyramid.[/spoiler]