If Arkham Knight doesn't win Game of the Year from all major reviewers/sites/magazines, and MGSV isn't the game that somehow takes it's place, it will become clear that the only fix for our poisoned industry is a video game critic genocide. A gaming industry version of "The Purge", if you will.
Story was meh at most. Combat was slightly improved and medics were a nice addition. Too much BatTank. Arkham Knight was [b][i][u]VERY[/u][/i][/b] [b][i][u]VERY[/u][/i][/b] predictable. Nightwing, Robin and Catwoman were barely used. Horrible PC port along with console bugs and they dare ask for an extra $40 for the season pass?! Yep this does not deserve a GOTY nomination and is easily the worst Arkham game of the trilogy.