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Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 7/26/2015 10:41:33 PM

The First Recruit (Run and Gun)

"Let's sprint this. Don't fall behind. As the smoke cleared the 5 marines of Alpha squad stood weapons ready. the entire chaos hoard turned at the sound of one of their own screaming in pain. a cultist priest hung flailing in the grip of Lycaon. with an audible crunch the body went limp. As he tossed the dead cultist toward the crowd they brought their weapons to bear still unsure if to fire upon the massive marines of legend. "Go." Before the cultist can react the 5 marines launch themselves into the temple. Bolters flaring to life they head directly for the survivors. the impact based explosives tearing apart bodies as the juggernauts slammed into the crowds. Kneeling into a powerful slide a knight smashes a Priest arcane symbols floating about his head as he brought up a Havoc launcher. the rocket flew tru into the balcony over the survivors as a deamon host prepared to jump down among them. he didn't get a chance to fire his second rocket as the hoard closesd around him. Ditching the powerful launcher Nemisis claws sprang to life as he tore a deamon in 2, sickly multicolored gore bathing all near him. The other four continued on, bolter fire was now more precise picking individual targets as the cultists recoiled. Deamons rent into pieces at the blades of the Nemesis weapons. another marine slid to a knee and without missing a beat the marine behind him launched himself into the air toward another balcony/bridge that crossed the width of the temple. dual storm bolters roaring he extended his arms blasting anything on the bridge to pieces before engaging the daemons with a pair of smaller twin blades. the last 3 reached the base of the stairs as a greater deamon jumped from the destroyed balcony into the survivors. Its staff acting as a scythe as it slammed survivors across the podium. without pausing the largest of the 3 slammed into the beast at full tilt, through the Aquilla and slamming into the back wall. The deamon rose its staff pulsing with power, trophies of the dead hung around the beast in a profane arrangement. the marine nodded to his brothers as he pulled out his Nemesis Hammer. the 2 handed weapon cracked to life as he stood ready as the avian headed deamon roared, the very fabric of reality bending in the noises wake. Lycaon and his last remaining brother gathered the last of the survivors, out of the 50 some men and women that were defending this position, only a single 5 remained alive. With their brothers sacrifice they go to run back through the still reeling crowd under cover of the Knight on the bridge. Then things got worse. The greater deamon rose from the podium, the limp body of a Grey knight in its claws. With a wave of the staff rips in reality form in the roof of the temple. Avian daemons pour forth snatching the Knight on the balcony they toss him into the crowd below. Guns blazing he landed like a boulder into the crowd as the deamons descended on him.almost at the door the clawed marine could be seen clawing at the warp rift that formed beneath his feet as the denizens pulled him down and apart. As the other last surviving knight reached the door way a massive greater deamon swooped from above throwing him into the air only to be ripped apart by the warp magic of the beasts. As Lycaon turned, a deamon hiding the shadows of the ship beyond sprung forward grabbing the 2 young girls. As it ran directly towards the temple the greater deamon stood at the entryway beckoning it on. Save a few [spoiler][url][/url][/spoiler] Save them all [spoiler][url][/url][/spoiler]

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