I've been thinking. In PVE and PVP, when we want to kill something quick, what do we do? We switch to our heavy! We blast that guardian with our rocket launcher! We gun down that Hive Knight with our machine gun! But what if there was a third option? Something with the massive damage like a rocket launcher but with a more focused approach? I'm of course talking about a Rail Gun.
It would have higher Impact than a rocket launcher and more range than a machine gun. It should only be able to carry 1 round in chamber and no more than 3 rounds total. It would basically be a ultra powerful heavy sniper with the emphasis on timing and precision.
For those that don't know what a Rail Gun is, it's basically a weapon that fires a magnetically accelerated round at ultra high speed velocities. It's a futuristic style weapon so it would make sense as a reclaimed Golden Age technology.
I personally believe that this would be an excellent addition to Destiny, possibly at Taken King. If you like the idea please chime in!
Person launcher