You walk in on the Speaker removing his mask. You see that he looks a lot like...
Edit: Trending! People really wanna know what the Speaker looks like.
My favorites so far; Snoop Dogg, Jake from State Farm, John Cena. No Liam Nesson yet?
He is actually wearing a second mask, but it is a Rahool mask. To troll us.
A tab will pop up saying you must purchase the next dlc in order to reveal the Speakers true identity.
Cobra Commander "COBRA!!!!!"
Zombie Deej!
Morgan freeman
Bill Cosby! We weren't dead he just roofied our drinks and now we don't remember what happened!!!!
Under the mask is... ANOTHER MASK!
Rick James
The speaker is finally speechless!
George R.R. Martin
He has ANOTHER mask on
Plot(ha!) twist: the mask comes off and it's your guardians face. You were the speaker the whole time.
Corporate Commander [spoiler]Anyone?[/spoiler]
obamas twin filled with the devil incarnate.
Bill Nighy
Morgan Freeman
Speaker takes off his helmet and reveals master chief helmet. Speaker you mind telling me what you're doing on that fallen ketch?! I'm finishing this fight!
Troll face.
Garfields eyes look like nipples
Ace Ventura, pet detective