So they chop up the original game so they can sell them as DLC and now they are chopping up the DLC so they can encourage blind impatient fanboys into Pre-Ordering the damn thing.
Its like some kind of cosmic sized joke. I am waiting for Deej and Bungie to come out and say "GOTCHA! Here is the real game guys with the real storyline intact! Enjoy!"
I was dumb enough to pre-order your game and its season pass and you served up a steaming pile. But now you are gonna ask me to pre-order your [b][i]$40[/i][/b] "expansion"?
Yeah sorry I have a soul and I have a brain. I'll pass.
Normally I would make a huge thread talking about how shady and pathetic this move is and how big of a joke this game has become but I think in this case the majority of the community can see whats going on. They just keep milking and milking, taking and taking.
I just don't know what else to say than are you serious Bungie?
You guys remember any of this?
- "Rich cinematic storytelling"
- "Periodic PvE and PvP oriented events"
- "Explore the solar system"
- "See that over there?...."
- "Make your guardian unique"
Yeah...never Pre-Ordering again Bungie.
EDIT: Wow some of you people would buy sand from Bungie if you were standing on the beach.
You're pretty late to this party
So past experiences aside, what prove do you have that bungie chopped up ttk? Is it possible? Sure but so are a lot of other things that never happen. In your whole rant you sound like you're butt hurt cause you can't afford $40 for a dlc, and you're try to justify other reasons why your not getting it.
All this is just showing how dramtaic the change of a publisher can be. If destiny would have been released under microsoft it would have been xbox exclusive yes. But it would have been better. I know that much
Well if we're bringing up old arguments I guess I will too. Quite frankly I wasn't too impressed by Watchdogs
- They are learning from there mistakes
The value is in the entertainment..... Are you not entertained? I am.
Why preorder? For shaders and ships and dances lol? That's...a joke... Right?? Oh, it's not? Hmmm I'll buy it when it releases if I'm still playing it.
Why preorder? For shaders and ships and dances lol? That's...a joke... Right?? Oh, it's not? Hmmm I'll buy it when it releases if I'm still playing it.
You still get everything in January, calm down.
It's illegal to take sand from the beach. If bungie had a legal means to make the purchase of sand available, what's the harm in buying if I want some sand? Better option than stealing state property.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) its a game Play the damn thing and stop complaining cuz you have to pay
I just don't care. Some stuff was on the disk Yeah the story isn't great Yeah I want more of pretty much everything Yeah the crucible patch took too long And And And I don't care. I like the game. I play it a ton and am lucky enough that for me £40 = £0 really. So I'll buy it and enjoy it. If you don't like it. Don't buy it.
Your father would be ashamed of you for making this post.
My Forza 6 edition xbox 1 comes out the same day so I am not sure I will even pick up taken king
Nobody cares if you leave just leave stop whining.
Here we have another sheep that bought into the lie-filled post started by some hate monger. "Bungie did all of this bad and shady shit, even though I have no proof to back it up." Guys, grow up.
You've sure got a lot of play time for somebody who hates the game so much.
Wanna know why the suros pre-order appeared out of no where? No, not just the leak but Activision realized that TTK wasn't getting enough pre-orders so they made a (bonus) if you pre-order the game so they can get your money. Please don't pre-order, unless your that blind...
Just so were all clear, DLC on stands for Disk Locked Content. you are paying for a game you already have, 3 times over. so stop assuming your downloading anything morons.
Capitalism. The worship of money as a source of power. Probably only correct in a sarcastic sense of humor.
It's been this way since halo 3. They will defend any bad decisions.
Edited by CharacterZ3RO: 7/28/2015 6:48:49 PMThe fan base has already proven that they will throw money blindly at the screen and not care Expect more of the same
I'm pre ordering (it's more convenient)
The p0ll doesn't lie!!! The community is divided.
Hey I'm just here to voice an opinion that often isn't voiced. Do you have fun playing destiny ? If so get the dlc. It's not about the corporation but about if you have fun playing the game.